Recent comments

Carol commented on

Grasping God’s glory

Peter Haresnape commented on

The gift of life, the question of death

Peter Reimer commented on

Mennonites join call for landfill search

Rowan Chavez commented on

Will Mennonites join climate battle?

Moe Lesser commented on

The gift of limited options

Elaine (Funk) & Malcolm MacKinnon commented on

MoM 100: A final post

Joon Park commented on

Stepping overboard

Larry Miller commented on

Poplar Hill's closure remembered

Howard Boldt commented on

Million-dollar fraud hits Winnipeg church

John Finlay commented on

Humans and Humus

Blake Poland commented on

Thinking about leisure

Cheryl Teelucksingh commented on

Thinking about leisure

Rick Zerbe Cornelsen commented on

Housebarn recreates the past

Ann Dale commented on

Thinking about leisure

Gordon R. Gilbertson commented on

Thinking about leisure

Randy Haluza-DeLay commented on

Thinking about leisure

Bill Franz commented on

MoM 100: A final post

Elaine Fehr commented on

Carrie Lehn ordained at Ottawa Mennonite

Johnn Funk commented on

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