Recent comments

Mark Morton commented on

Readers write: April 12, 2021 issue

Brenda Tiessen-Wiens commented on

Readers write: April 12, 2021 issue

Hermann Ens commented on

Avoiding an environmental shipwreck

NancyEllen Nafziger commented on

Readers write: April 12, 2021 issue

Stephen Kennel commented on

Avoiding an environmental shipwreck

Kandace Boos commented on

Readers write: March 29, 2021 issue

Garry Janzen commented on

‘I have seen the Lord!’

John Sniegocki commented on

What would Jesus think about factory farms?

Burk Schmidt commented on

Deborah Tewelde sets her faith in action

David Shantz commented on

What is appropriate humour?

Esther Friesen commented on

Meditations while sheltering in place

Doug Klassen commented on

We are now family

Elaine Fehr commented on

Holy contradictions

Jennifer Nunes commented on

Letters to my sister, Part 2

Jennifer Nunes commented on

Letters to my sister, Part 3

Karl Dick commented on

A hymn by any other number

walter bergen commented on


Horst Unger commented on

Becoming Aryan

Peter Reimer commented on

What are they doing with our money?

Doug Klassen commented on

What are they doing with our money?

walter bergen commented on

What are they doing with our money?

Renate Dueck commented on

Colleagues, friends remember Menno Wiebe

M. Michelle Hildebrand commented on

‘What will happen to us now?’
