Recent comments

Clare Neufeld commented on

Leaving a legacy of good works

Karl Dimario commented on

Biblical companions on my cancer journey

John Couto commented on

Christmas delight?

Donald Unger commented on

Memories of migration

Leona Carter commented on

What is the ‘settler problem’?

Blake Poland commented on

Christmas delight?

Hubert Meisinger commented on

Christmas delight?

Byron Rempel-Burkholder commented on

2,000 years later in Bethlehem . . .

Maxwell Kennel commented on

Hymn reflections inspire and comfort

Peter Reimer commented on

2,000 years later in Bethlehem . . .

Linda Petty commented on

Listening to the Spirit, with John

Mark Morton commented on

Readers write: December 12, 2022 issue

Roxy Reimer commented on

Indonesian peacemaking

Peter Reimer commented on

Women who prepared the way for Jesus

Cornelius Hill commented on

Throwing Off the Cloak

Cheryl Teelucksingh commented on

Writing for the foyer

Howard Boldt commented on

Rethinking police and policing

Blake Poland commented on

Writing for the foyer

Hana Worku commented on

Bogale Kebede: Apostle to the Kaffa

Peter Reimer commented on

Readers write: November 14, 2022 issue
