Motivated by love, European Mennonites send comforters, kits to Ukraine
To help Ukrainians suffering from Russia’s military invasion, Swiss and French Mennonites sent 400 handmade comforters and about 2,000 kits of hygiene supplies to Ukraine last fall. The Association of Mennonite Brethren Churches of Ukraine (AMBCU), currently based in western Ukraine, received the supplies and distributed them to people who are living further east, closer…
Thank you for your interest in writing for Canadian Mennonite. We depend on writers across the country to keep us connected with local churches and important issues. Editorial Schedule and DeadlinesWe welcome submission of theological reflections, opinion pieces, letters, reviews and personal stories. Submission GuidelinesWe suggest prospective writers contact submit@canadianmennonite.org to discuss their article idea prior to…
Young adults plan spiritual retreat in B.C.
The call of Jesus to transform the world for the better is radical, and young adults say they are willing to answer that call. Attendees at next month’s Young Adult Anabaptist Conference for an Active Future will have the chance to connect, hear speakers, share ideas and encourage one another to pursue Jesus’s call to…
‘Stuck together’: MCBC AGM
With the theme of “Stuck Together,” delegates from all 23 congregations rejoiced together, wrestled with a budget deficit and welcomed a new church plant at the 2024 Mennonite Church B.C. annual meeting. Prayers were offered throughout the day in various languages spoken in MCBC congregations: Spanish, German, Hmong, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese. The…
MoM 100: A final post
I like telling stories. And I like trains. So when organizers of the “Memories of Migration: Russlaender 100 Tour” asked if I would join the cross-country train tour as a reporter, it wasn’t a hard decision to make. Yes! Through the tour, which ran from July 6-24—I was on the first and third legs—I was…
Identity, boundaries and new ways of thinking
Mennonites in Canada today are a diverse group, and the old stereotype of Mennonites as German-speaking agrarian people fits only a small part of the picture. The history conference, “A people of diversity: Mennonites in Canada since 1970,” held at the University of Winnipeg from Nov. 15 to 17, 2018, provided an opportunity to…
‘Opening to God’s leading’
In opening comments at Mennonite Church Alberta’s first of three Vision 2020 gatherings, Tim Wiebe-Neufeld, the regional church’s executive minister, asked people in the crowd to stand if they had left their place of birth in search of new life and opportunities. A few stood, and the crowd was aware that this is the situation…
‘Bring us beyond our own stories’
Among the voluminous lists of those disappeared during the dark times in what is now Ukraine, researchers have found roughly 400 pages of Mennonite names, with five or six names per page. That is just for Zaporizhzhia province. The lists for all Ukrainian provinces are available online, though printed in Cyrillic script. Each name a…