Readers Write: April 2025
MCC statement rings hollow for long-time MCCer I am one of the 50-plus people who have come forward with an account of serious mistreatment by Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). After 17 years with MCC, their handling of a staff conflict shattered me. This happened in recent years. For the sake of my personal well-being, I…
Readers Write: March 2025
Solar story missed the markI was looking forward to reading the story in the December issue about Rockway Mennonite Collegiate’s solar array. But after reading the story, something didn’t feel right.Although the article was entitled “Rockway solar project generates imperfect hope,” I think it would have more appropriately been titled, “Solar project generates hope for…
Readers write: February 2025
Sacred in front of youI enjoyed reading Theo Wiederkehr’s article (“A localized pilgrimage,” January 2025). It asked the question of what a pilgrimage is and whether we have to travel far to meet God. If we define pilgrimage as a journey to a sacred place, it does seem to imply a fairly long trip to…
Readers Write: January 2025
Effects of dismissal linger for decades In 1980, I returned to Canada from my mission assignment, happy to be home after four very difficult years. I looked forward to telling the mission staff about my experience, but the very people I thought would be the most supportive did not listen or ask about my time…
Readers Write: December 2024
A sprinkling of change As I read the “Exit Interviews” issue of CM (September 2024), I thought of the words of Jessica Herlein in a Rejoice devotional from October 30, 2021: “All our systems for righting wrongs and making amends pale in comparison to God’s overtures of mercy and restoration.” Born and raised Mennonite, I…
Readers Write: November 2024
Good people hurt by MCC I am writing this letter in support of the individuals who wrote and signed the open letter to Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and in support of the former and current MCC service workers and staff who have been and continue to be hurt by MCC. I personally know of former…
Readers Write: October 2024
Love and Hate I agree with Ryan Dueck’s insightful article, “A place for hate” (June 2024), particularly in today’s harsh world. In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon observed there is a season for everything, including love and hate. This may seem chilling. Yet, Solomon also acknowledged that God makes everything beautiful in its time. Finding peace requires…
Readers Write: September 2024
Questions about MCC ethos I appreciate Canadian Mennonite’s reporting on the open letter from terminated Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) workers (“Involuntary,” July 2024). Well done. When I first read the open letter, I was distraught, but I shouldn’t have been; the appeal for accountability should be heard by leadership in all of our organizations. I’ve witnessed abrupt…
Readers Write: August 2024
Responses to ‘Involuntary’ From resigned MCC’ers For 17 of the past 32-plus years, we worked with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) in four countries. MCC was instrumental in forming the values we try to live by today. We are grateful for this. On our last assignment, during which Dave served as an interim representative (overseeing programing…
Readers Write: August 2024
Preparing for post-collapse limits In a recent article, Miles Wiederkehr notices that it is only after you start doing experiments in sustainability that you learn about certain laws that stand in the way of an energy-and nature-conserving culture (“The long road to freedom,” June 2024). Miles wrote about the legal obstacles to bringing multiple families…