Category: People

  • Teaching the tabernacle

    Teaching the tabernacle

    Eleanor Funk has been teaching people about the tabernacle for almost 40 years. “The passion has never left,” she says.   Eleanor, who lives in Saskatoon with her husband Don, grew up in Aberdeen, Sask. After high school, she attended Swift Current Bible Institute and later worked as an interior decorator.   In the 1980s,…

  • Frogmore stew – Amish-Mennonite version

    Frogmore stew – Amish-Mennonite version

    This recipe, that probably originates in the southern U.S., came to Ontario via the MCC meat canner and an Amish community in Ohio.   Read the accompanying Gathering Around the Table story at   Serves 10-14 people   The yucky stuff (broth): 1 cup ketchup 1 cup vegetable oil 1 cup vinegar 1 pkg.…

  • Hostess enjoys surprising her guests

    Hostess enjoys surprising her guests

    Veg Weber knows how to do old-fashioned hospitality and she enjoys having people sit around her table. A few years ago, this hostess from Hawkesville, Ont., came across a recipe that gives her guests a surprise dining adventure as well as nourishing food.   When Veg serves Frogmore stew, she invites her guests to sit…

  • ‘The hands and feet of Jesus’

    ‘The hands and feet of Jesus’

    This year, Mennonite Voluntary Service (MVS) is celebrating 75 years of placing young adults in service positions across Canada and the U.S.  About 20 years ago, when the General Conference Mennonite Church and the Mennonite Church merged and became Mennonite Church Canada and MC U.S.A., they planned to have separate service programs owned by each…

  • A bouncer for Jesus

    A bouncer for Jesus

    So how did a 22-year-old Mennonite from France end up volunteering on the streets of Lethbridge as a bouncer for Jesus? Even he’s not sure, but he’s loving it, and when he returns to France in September, he plans to continue working with street people if he can find an opportunity. Simon Crelerot, a volunteer…

  • Dragons in the Bible?

    Dragons in the Bible?

    Twenty-five youth and sponsors gathered at Camp Elim, on Lac Pelletier, south of Swift Current, Sask., for Saskatchewan Mennonite Youth Organization’s youth retreat. Held May 24-26 the retreat was filled with fun and games, worship, and dragons!  Retreat speaker Erika Enns Rodine, pastor at First Mennonite Church, Winnipeg, Man., began the weekend by looking at…

  • Reduce, reuse, SheCycle

    Reduce, reuse, SheCycle

    For many women around the world, accessing pads, tampons or menstrual cups isn’t as easy as making a trip to a drug store, nor is it affordable. Some women and girls resort to making their own menstrual products out of things like mattress foam, newspaper or old clothes, which can cause problems like tetanus and…

  • Offering the gift of non-judgmental listening

    Offering the gift of non-judgmental listening

    Elaine Presnell has presided at around 600 funerals. That’s a number most pastors won’t achieve in a lifetime. But Presnell isn’t an ordinary pastor. For more than 10 years, she has worked for Mourning Glory Funeral Services in Saskatoon as a funeral officiant. Previously, she spent 16 years as a psychiatric nurse at Saskatoon’s Regional…

  • Making art ‘like breathing’ for B.C. illustrator

    Making art ‘like breathing’ for B.C. illustrator

    For Dona Park, making art is the equivalent of eating, sleeping and breathing. She does it every day because she needs to. The 24-year-old attended Goshen (Ind.) College, from which she graduated with a double major in fine arts and history in 2017. She is now a freelance artist based in Abbotsford, B.C., where she…

  • Extending the table

    Extending the table

    On May 14, Breslau Mennonite Church hosted an iftar meal after sunset, marking the end of the daily fast for Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan, a season of fasting, prayer, reflection and charity observed by millions of Muslims around the world.  Each week during Ramadan, a different church in Waterloo Region hosted an…