Young reader likes story about seniors
Miles Kirkaldy, who is six years old and just started grade one, enjoys reading Canadian Mennonite. When a new copy comes in the mail, he reads bits and pieces and asks questions about what he reads. When the Sept. 14 issue arrived he asked, “Where does Canadian Mennonite magazine come from? Does our church really…
From pew to pulpit
Valerie Alipova arrived in Canada for the first time five years ago, on a one-year Mennonite Voluntary Service (MVS) assignment. In September, she became an associate pastor of Bethel Mennonite Church in Winnipeg. “The craziest part is that the first day I arrived here [at Bethel] . . . I remember walking past this office,…
An eye for beauty
Natalie Stevanus, 36, of Bloomingdale, Ont., likes how her photographs bring joy to people, which inspires her to take even more. (Photo by Jane van Pelt) Natalie Stevanus has an eye for beauty. She loves to take photographs that make people happy. It is a winning combination! Stevanus, 36, recently won the Judges’ Choice Award…
‘I can see this church coming’
Part educator, part listener, part mentor and part bridge-builder. The mandate for Fanosie Legesse, appointed as Mennonite Church Eastern Canada’s intercultural mission minister in March 2020, is broad. But, as someone who has always bridged cultural gaps, Legesse says, “I cannot help but think that throughout my whole life God was giving me an opportunity…
Oven Omelette popular with B&B guests
Do you love food? I do! My love of cooking and experimenting with food has led me to develop many of my own recipes. A few years ago, I typed up and printed out approximately a hundred of my recipes, placed them into binders and gave them to my seven children. Recently, I asked those…
Jill’s Oven Omelette
I developed this original recipe as part of a school nutrition program. Read the story behind the recipe here. Ingredients 12 large eggs 2 cups milk 1 cup grated parmesan cheese 1 cup finely chopped green onions ½ cup finely chopped bell pepper ½ teaspoon ground black pepper Instructions Preheat oven to 375° F. Spray…
Echoes of history
When John Braun was contacted by a relative he didn’t know existed, it was the start of a long adventure into family history and an old language. Braun pastored Charleswood Mennonite Church in Winnipeg for the last 25 years and is currently an interim pastor of Bethel Mennonite Church, also in Winnipeg. He received an…
A life dedicated to helping others
Nour Ali’s name is known in households across Manitoba because of his passion for helping people and for making the world a better place. On June 13, Ali died in a boating accident on Lake Winnipeg. He was 42. Ali and four others were in a boat on the lake when it took on water…
MC Manitoba executive minister blessed by relationships
After nine-and-a-half years of service, Ken Warkentin concluded his time as executive minister of Mennonite Church Manitoba on June 30. But his ministry goes back much farther than that. He remembers the exact date he began at First Mennonite Church in Saskatoon—Oct. 4, 1981—where he was a music and youth minister for five years. In…
Russian connection comes full circle
Two members of Black Creek United Mennonite Church in British Columbia have found a common heritage that goes back 234 years to the Russian Empire. In the late 18th century, Empress Catherine the Great of Russia conquered land she called “New Russia”—now Ukraine—and invited Europeans, including Mennonite farmers from Prussia, to settle the southern plains.…