Category: Viewpoints

  • Wisdom, where art thou? (Pt. 8)

    Doubt has a good public relations manager these days. The world seems awash with books, articles, sermons, even a few TED talks, praising its beneficial goodness. I too have tried to redeem the sullied reputation of doubt in the church with my preaching and writing. Over the past year I’ve started to wonder if the…

  • Isaac Wiens

    Isaac Wiens

    The Isaac S. Wiens real estate office in Herbert, Sask., is pictured in 1911. Wiens (1874-1958), left, was born in Russia and came to Canada as an infant. His family became part of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church and lived in the Gretna, Man., area. He married Katharina Friesen in 1897, and they had 10 children.…

  • Readers write: May 8, 2017 issue

    An appeal from MennoMedia’s Canadian board members At our most recent MennoMedia board meeting, executive director Russ Eanes predicted that our organization is at the forefront of the transformation that is taking place in our denominations. Both Mennonite Church Canada and MC U.S.A. are undergoing significant changes in size and structure. Because MennoMedia supplies faith…

  • Freedom powered by love

    On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of his dream. His dream was that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the colour of their skin. His dream was that there would be equality for all, that the ground would be level for everyone. His dream was that…

  • Honouring the bride of Christ

    A bride walking down the aisle to meet her groom is always a moment of anticipation and honour. The groom beams with joy. Perhaps he gives her a wink or sheds a tear. The bride gazes into his eyes. The assembly stands, craning their necks for a better view. Smiles abound. Arrayed in all her…

  • Rice pudding is comfort food

    Rice pudding is comfort food

    Terry Martens believes that rice pudding is comfort food. It reminds her of her childhood when she would arrive home from school on winter afternoons to the smell of rice pudding cooking in the oven. “We could barely wait for this delicious dessert to be ready so we could indulge,” she says. Martens grew up…

  • Old Fashioned Rice Pudding

    Old Fashioned Rice Pudding

    Terry Martens of Hoffnungsfelder Mennonite Church, Sask., volunteers with Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) as a cook. She often uses this recipe when cooking for MDS volunteers. She supplied the recipe for the column, Gathering Around the Table. The story that goes with it can found here. 3 cups milk ¼ cup sugar ⅓ cup rice…

  • Jeremiah Ross

    Jeremiah Ross

    Mennonite Church Canada has created lasting relationships with indigenous communities such as Cross Lake, Man. In 1943, Henry Gerbrandt served the community in fulfilling his commitment as a conscientious objector to war. In 1956, Otto and Margaret Hamm moved to the community. A church was built in 1957, and a new one in 2005. Pictured,…

  • Levelling the playing field

    Levelling the playing field

    The saying goes, “There are two gifts we should give our children: one is roots, the other is wings.” My husband and I encouraged our children to fly and prayed we gave them roots. One day in a sermon my husband said, “I believe in what Christian Peacemaker Teams [CPT] does, but I also fear…

  • Readers write: April 24, 2017 issue

    ‘Apocalyptic threshold’ is more than a few degrees Re: “Are we living in the last millennium?” Dec. 12, 2016, page 8, Phil Wagler’s column is a reminder that apocalyptic predictions are still out there after a history of more than 2,500 years. Sadly for the would-be prophets, to date every one of them has been…