Category: Opinion

  • The colour of prayer

    The colour of prayer

    For my birthday last month, I asked for markers.  Since then, I’ve spent several hours in my soft front-room chair, copying out verses from the Psalms in a large, empty sketchbook I’ve had for years, illuminating the letters like a not-very-talented medieval scribe. I meditate on the words as the texture of the paper, the…

  • A donkey ride to Texas

    A donkey ride to Texas

    “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice …” These words came to me in the quiet, early hours of November 6. The day after. Before I turned to any news. The night before, I waited until 8:30, then 8:45 pm, to check the election news the world was hanging on. I…

  • Growing into the future

    Growing into the future

    Over the past year, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada has been leaning into its strategic plan, “Growing into the Future,” a plan that honours the five strategic priorities set in 2022. The plan is anchored in MCEC’s identity statement—transformed, inspired and called—and includes four specific goals to be enacted over the next few years. Both the…

  • After the bubble shatters

    After the bubble shatters

    I felt delight in growing up in the church. Not only did I attend Sunday school and children’s church, but I went to Christian elementary and secondary school. I felt most safe in the Christian bubble around me. As I grew up, I was very active in my church and volunteered in several different capacities,…

  • Readers Write: November 2024

    Readers Write: November 2024

    Good people hurt by MCC I am writing this letter in support of the individuals who wrote and signed the open letter to Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and in support of the former and current MCC service workers and staff who have been and continue to be hurt by MCC. I personally know of former…

  • Seeing clearly

    Seeing clearly

    I saw a commercial during a hockey game recently that ended with an image of an Uber Eats bag sitting beside a bowl of macaroni and cheese and a Kraft Dinner box. This struck me as odd. I wondered, what’s the connection between Uber Eats and Kraft Dinner? A few minutes later, the same commercial…

  • Restless hearts in Hollywood

    Restless hearts in Hollywood

    So, a struggling actor and a pastor walk into a bar … What sounds like a setup for a lame joke was my reality one afternoon in the Rockies last year. My wife was attending some meetings, and I came along for the ride. Another tag-along and I found ourselves meandering around town before landing…

  • Resourcing the Anabaptist church

    Resourcing the Anabaptist church

    Over 500 years, the Anabaptist community has grown to be a diverse and global expression of faith. The resources of Anabaptism reflect this diversity. Mennonite World Conference (MWC) represents most Christian churches rooted in the Anabaptist movement. In addition to the ongoing resourcing work of its commissions and networks, MWC has several significant resource titles:…

  • Readers Write: October 2024

    Readers Write: October 2024

    Love and Hate I agree with Ryan Dueck’s insightful article, “A place for hate” (June 2024), particularly in today’s harsh world. In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon observed there is a season for everything, including love and hate. This may seem chilling. Yet, Solomon also acknowledged that God makes everything beautiful in its time. Finding peace requires…

  • Singing Back the Buffalo

    Singing Back the Buffalo

    Last week I attended a screening of Singing Back the Buffalo, written and directed by Tasha Hubbard, with my family at the Regina Public Library Film Theatre. The last time we’d seen buffalo together was in 2018 in Grasslands National Park. I wanted my kids to see the keystone species of our ecoregion. To know their…