Category: Editorial

  • Testing the ties that bind

    Testing the ties that bind

    More than a month into physical distancing in Canada, and the church seems to be flourishing. Does it seem that way to you? Having been forced to disrupt our usual worship traditions, many congregations have energetically jumped into trying new ways of being the church together. Mennonite Church Canada has been at the forefront to…

  • Beyond ourselves 

    Beyond ourselves 

    As I write, my household is entering into our fourth week of physical distancing. Facing the fast-spreading and potentially deadly coronavirus, my spouse and I sit in a comfortable house, with a dependable supply of food and are thankful for good sanitation. We have books, music and movies. We’re still employed, and we’re connecting digitally…

  • The church has left the building

    The church has left the building

    Recently seen online: a quote on a black T-shirt: “The church has left the building.” The worldwide spread of the latest coronavirus has drastically changed the way we live and move in these days. We avoid public gatherings, including weekly worship and other church activities. People across the world are hunkering down at home in…

  • Chequebook and calendar

    Chequebook and calendar

    In early March, the church my husband and I belong to held its annual general meeting. This year there wasn’t a lot of discussion, but Paul, the representative of the finance and stewardship committee, got us all thinking.  The financial report is usually done as a “narrative budget,” with pie charts showing the various aspects…

  • Church stories

    Church stories

    “The congregation is the foundational unit and expression of God’s work in the world.” That was a key affirmation in the Future Directions process that led to the 2017 re-organization of Mennonite Church Canada. In this issue’s feature starting on page 4, MC Canada’s executive minister, Doug Klassen, calls for a strengthening of our denomination’s…

  • Limits and surprises

    Limits and surprises

    I had other plans for this space; this is not the editorial I was intending to write. But, reading over this issue’s proof pages, I saw some unexpected themes emerging. Several contributors highlight ways in which we humans try to limit the intentions/purposes of our Creator. Columnist Troy Watson reflects on the common tendency to get…

  • Cultivating hope

    Cultivating hope

    In the first days of 2020, our newsfeeds were full: confrontations over a pipeline in western Canada, devastating fires in Australia, an earthquake in Puerto Rico, the death of 176 people whose airplane was shot down and speculations of a possible war in the Middle East.  Many of us deal with the constant barrage of…

  • Reporting on #ChurchToo

    Reporting on #ChurchToo

    Over the years, Canadian Mennonite has reported on sexual misconduct within the Mennonite context. As a member of the church press, we have tried to carry out our ongoing commitment to report on such stories with journalistic integrity, respect and sensitivity. Yet, sometimes the reports have stirred up pain and objections among readers. Occasionally, readers…

  • #ICYMI: 2019 in review

    #ICYMI: 2019 in review

    It’s mid-December as I sit down to review the content published by Canadian Mennonite over the past year. Here are a few observations.   Once again, the longer features anchoring the print issues made it possible for Mennonite contributors from across the country to share inspiration and information. I am grateful for the writers, pastors,…

  • Church publications: Which way to go?

    Church publications: Which way to go?

    I know an intersection with three street signs: Eastglen, Westglen and Northglen. Delivery trucks sometimes end up at the wrong house for failing to notice which Glen they need. Making it worse, Eastglen and Westglen are semi-circles that connect to form one circle. You can turn East and get to West or vice versa. Sometimes, a…