Category: Web First

  • Recycling provides therapy

    Recycling provides therapy

    Calling themselves the Basket Cases, a small group of women meets monthly for a fibre arts challenge at The Clothes Basket, a Mennonite Central Committee thrift store in Rosthern, Sask. Group members are quilters or crafters who enjoy working with fabric. While they are encouraged to recycle materials from the store, they are also welcome…

  • The ‘simple’ life in raising an Amish family

    The ‘simple’ life in raising an Amish family

    Marianne Jantzi is the author of Simple Pleasures: Stories from My Life as an Amish Mother, which has just been released by Herald Press as part of its Plainspoken series by Amish, Hutterite and plain Mennonite writers. In the book the author shares from the heart as she welcomes readers into her family’s daily life…

  • Ukrainian pastor dreams of a new church building

    Ukrainian pastor dreams of a new church building

    Sergey Deynekin has dreams for the Chernobaevka Church in southern Ukraine. A bi-vocational pastor who works in the building trade, he developed architectural plans for a future church building after the congregation’s long-time rental location was no longer available and they moved into a vacant house. On Sundays, they crowd into two rooms with a…

  • Grebel president accepts call from EMU

    Grebel president accepts call from EMU

    The board of governors of Conrad Grebel University College announced that president Susan Schultz Huxman has accepted the call to become the president of Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) in Harrisonburg, Va. “It is not easy for me to consider leaving Grebel—a school that I love and that is thriving. But this invitation to serve EMU, an…

  • Mennonites respond to Ecuador earthquakes

    Mennonites respond to Ecuador earthquakes

    Mennonites are responding to the recent earthquakes in Ecuador, where members of multiple Mennonite congregations are among 100,000 people affected by the disaster. A 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific coast of northern Ecuador on April 16, 2016, followed by a second earthquake on April 20. At least 570 people have been killed and more than…

  • How climate change threatens farmers in Bangladesh

    How climate change threatens farmers in Bangladesh

    Masum Khandakar is a Bangladeshi rice farmer with a craggy face and a jutting white beard that flares as wide as the wings of his collared shirt. His voice goes high when his emotions overwhelm him. That is what happened one day in late December when he stood up during a community meeting inside a…

  • Elmira ends Hawkesville’s Bible quiz reign

    Elmira ends Hawkesville’s Bible quiz reign

    The team from Elmira Mennonite Church ended the Hawkesville and Markham church dynasties at this year’s Bible quizzing competition, held on April 9, 2016, at Steinmann Mennonite Church near Baden. It has been nine years since a team other than from the Hawkesville or the Markham-Stouffville youth groups won the competition organized by Mennonite Church…

  • Retired farming couple uses centrepieces to fight hunger

    Retired farming couple uses centrepieces to fight hunger

    When Henry and Hilda Schulz of Sanford, Man., were still farming, one of the crops they grew was barley. As friends at their church—Sargent Avenue Mennonite in Winnipeg—learned this, they asked them for barley seed to make Easter centrepieces, as a way to bring a little spring and new life into their homes. Hilda initially…

  • A little experiment in ordinary reality

    A little experiment in ordinary reality

    Marketed “for twenty- and thirty-somethings who wish they could do camp again,” Pastors in Exile (PiE) and Silver Lake Mennonite Camp near Sauble Beach, Ont., ran what they called “Winter Camp for Grown-ups” from March 4 to 6, 2016. So why would two pastors—Jessica Reesor Rempel and I—have any interest in leading a winter camp…

  • Uncovering a historic Mennonite costume collection

    Uncovering a historic Mennonite costume collection

    From plain coats to lace-covered wedding dresses, Amanda Bartel, a history major from Iowa City, Iowa, is cataloging Bluffton University’s historic clothing collection to learn more about what it means to dress like a Mennonite. She explained the cataloging process for students, faculty, staff and community members on March 1, 2016, at Bluffton University. The…