Category: Web First

  • Assembly 2016 speakers to focus on God’s covenant

    Assembly 2016 speakers to focus on God’s covenant

    One of the highlights of Mennonite Church Canada’s assemblies are the times of worship and spiritual enrichment. The theme of Assembly 2016 (July 6-9), God~Faith-People, is paraphrased from the Old Testament text Jeremiah 31:33: “This is the covenant . . . I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall…

  • Songs of hope and struggle

    Songs of hope and struggle

    Bryan Moyer Suderman released a new CD, I’m Glad You’re Here: Songs of Hope and Struggle, on May 6, 2016, in Stouffville, Ont. The concert was also a fundraiser for the “Welcome the Stranger” initiative for refugee support (an initiative of the Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches in the greater Toronto area), and on…

  • Committee selected for Mennonite song collection

    Six women and six men from across North America have been chosen to serve on the committee for the new song collection for Mennonite churches planned for release in 2020. The committee selections were announced by Bradley Kauffman, recently named project director for the collection, and Amy Gingerich, editorial director for MennoMedia, the agency managing…

  • Nigerian peacemaking efforts recognized with Sattler Peace Prize

    Nigerian peacemaking efforts recognized with Sattler Peace Prize

    The 2016 Michael Sattler Peace Prize has been awarded to the Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN) and EYN’s “Christian and Muslim Peace Initiative” (CAMPI), founded in 2010 with Muslim partners. On May 20, 2016, the German Mennonite Peace Committee (Deutsches Mennonitisches Friedenskomitee, or DMFK) presented the prize to Ephraim Kadala, EYN pastor and peace coordinator,…

  • More on seasonal workers in Canada

    More on seasonal workers in Canada

    This online supplement accompanies the feature, “The lucky struggle,” about workers in the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP). Disposable workers: The case of Jeleel Stewart ‘Medical repatriation’: The unlucky 800 A farm perspective: Win-win MCC: The future of its SAWP involvement Government responses: Policy wonks take note Disclosures Disposable workers: The case of Jeleel Stewart…

  • Loving the enemy in Burkina Faso

    Loving the enemy in Burkina Faso

    In a land that closely resembles the place Jesus lived more than 2,000 years ago, his words still prove true. The people of Sidi, Burkina Faso, plant their fields with the tools and methods described in the New Testament. They draw water from wells, and feed their families with crops they harvest. Some of them…

  • What I learned while walking the Camino

    What I learned while walking the Camino

    After 10 days of walking, I come to a small town in Spain called Belorado. The day before, I had walked a gruelling 31 kilometres up and down hills, in warm and sunny spring weather. Maybe it’s the long walk and my feet are tired, or, maybe it’s the constant climbing up and down the…

  • Into the woods

    Into the woods

    In June 1942, 3,000 Mennonites gathered at the Kitchener, Ont., train station to bid farewell to conscientious objectors (COs) bound for forest-fire fighting and tree-planting camps in British Columbia. The local newspaper noted that the crowd, larger than any that had gathered for military troop departures, “was swelled by hundreds of curious citizens, who were…

  • Becoming the people of God is a messy business

    Becoming the people of God is a messy business

    The 2016 Ralph and Eileen Lebold Fundraising Dinner, held on June 2, 2016, at Conrad Grebel University College, featured Arli Klassen, chief development officer for Mennonite World Conference, who spoke to the “Messiness of becoming the people of God.” She began by telling the story of her shift in identity when she, a Christian woman…

  • Youth Assembly 2016 canceled due to low numbers

    Youth Assembly 2016 canceled due to low numbers

    You planned a party for 200 people, with games geared for groups of 20. Food quantities have been tallied, and overnight lodging arranged for guests who are coming from far away. And then you find out that only a handful of the invited guests are able to come. That’s the kind of disappointment—and news—that Kirsten…