Category: Web First

  • Review: Mennonite-Nazi connection unconvincing

    Review: Mennonite-Nazi connection unconvincing

    Ben Goossen argues that German-speaking Mennonites of the 20th century had a sense of Mennonite nationality and that this concept of Mennonites as a “chosen nation,” a people with a distinctive heritage, culture and ethnicity, was influenced by the racist ideas of the Nazis. He says he began this study in an effort to understand…

  • Committee invites input for Resonate music project

    Committee invites input for Resonate music project

    The Mennonite Worship and Song Committee in inviting congregations and individuals to give input toward a new hymnal scheduled for release in 2020. “We want to hear what is giving life to worship across the denomination,” said Bradley Kauffman, project director. “It is essential to hear from these voices – people whose investment will deeply…

  • A witness for nonviolence from Nigeria

    A witness for nonviolence from Nigeria

    A doctoral thesis focusing on the nonviolent witness of a peace church in Nigeria was recently completed at the Ecumenical Institute of the World Council of Churches (WCC). The candidate, Rev. Daniel Y. Mbaya, who is general secretary of the Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (Church of the Brethren in Nigeria, or EYN), defended his thesis…

  • Obituary: ‘Dan has left us’

    Obituary: ‘Dan has left us’

    The four short words of this obituary’s title, sent to Mennonite Church Alberta’s area church minister Tim Wiebe-Neufeld, heralded a large impact for the province’s churchgoers, for the Jack family, and for the many friends of Dan and Marguerite Jack. Jack, the moderator of MC Alberta, died peacefully on July 17 after a medical emergency…

  • MC USA acknowledges ‘suffering’ of Jews, Palestinians

    MC USA acknowledges ‘suffering’ of Jews, Palestinians

    Culminating a three-year process, delegates at the Mennonite Church USA assembly in Orlando earlier this month adopted a resolution entitled “Seeking peace in Israel and Palestine,” with approximately 98 percent voting in favor. The resolution addresses the injustices of military occupation as well as the suffering caused by antisemitism. The resolution notes that “the suffering…

  • A man worthy of his calling

    A man worthy of his calling

    Darrell W. Fast, born in Mountain Lake, Minn., passed away at the Leamington (Ont.) Mennonite Home, leaving Loretta Fast, his wife, his children Douglas (Michelle) Fast and Larissa Fast, two grandchildren, and many friends, relatives and former colleagues to mourn his passing. After graduating from Mennonite Biblical Seminary (now Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary), Elkhart, Ind.,…

  • MWC says farewell to a faithful servant

    MWC says farewell to a faithful servant

    You may not have heard of one of the longest-serving workers for Mennonite World Conference (MWC) who is retiring this year, but many will be familiar with his work. Glenn Fretz was at the beginning of his career as a designer when Paul Kraybill, a former MWC general secretary, contacted the resident of Waterloo, Ont.,…

  • Walking together for peace in Colombia

    Walking together for peace in Colombia

    Months after a peace accord was signed between the government and the country’s largest rebel group, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) partners in Colombia are walking with people affected by more than 50 years of violence. At the end of 2016, the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) guerrillas negotiated a deal in…

  • Canada 150: Facing the long divide

    Canada 150: Facing the long divide

    On July 1, 1867, the concerted efforts of 36 male, ethnic-European politicians came to fruition, and the Dominion of Canada was born. At the time, they celebrated, and for more than a century, Canadians continued to commemorate that day. Now, 150 years later, some Canadians are approaching July 1 with lament. The friendly, peace-loving and…

  • Working group tackles tasks of advocacy on Palestine and Israel

    Working group tackles tasks of advocacy on Palestine and Israel

    When delegates to the July 2016 assembly of Mennonite Church Canada passed a resolution on Palestine and Israel with an almost unanimous vote, reactions varied widely from within the denomination and from outside.  Denominational staff and those involved in promoting the resolution received glowing words of commendation from organizations supporting Palestinian human rights, including the…