Category: Web First

  • Building peace through teaching English

    Building peace through teaching English

    Transformative. That’s the word Cheryl Woelk uses to describe the impact of language teaching and learning on human relationships. She recently co-authored a book on the subject, together with Jan Edwards Dormer. Teaching English for Reconciliation: Pursuing Peace through Transformed Relationships in Language Learning and Teaching offers insights into using the English language-learning environment to…

  • Travel company and MCC collaborate for mutual benefit

    Travel company and MCC collaborate for mutual benefit

    Recognizing shared values and an overlap between TourMagination travellers and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) donors, the for-profit business and non-profit organization recently signed a memorandum of understanding signaling their desire to collaborate more closely for mutual benefit.  TourMagination is a travel company that has led faith-based group tours in more than 50 countries and to…

  • Mennonite pastors and scholars involved in ecumenical gathering

    Mennonite pastors and scholars involved in ecumenical gathering

    “I wonder whether Jesus’ call for Christian unity isn’t an invitation to focus on what unites rather than divides us, in order to see that everyone brings something valuable to God’s kingdom.” So said Kathy Koop, pastor of Winnipeg First Mennonite Church, in reflecting on a recent ecumenical gathering. On May 9, 2018, “Behold! I…

  • Venezuelan Mennonites share faith through food and shampoo

    Venezuelan Mennonites share faith through food and shampoo

    In the midst of constant inflation and economic uncertainty, Venezuelan Mennonites minister creatively in and through their churches, sharing food and supporting their communities. Iglesia Evangélica Menonita de Oriente (Evangelical Mennonite Church of the East, IEMO) coordinates efforts between two congregations on Isla Margarita, two on the mainland, and several additional study centres. According to…

  • Voices Together announced as title for new hymnal

    Voices Together announced as title for new hymnal

      The new worship and song collection for Mennonite Church U.S.A. and MC Canada will be called Voices Together. “In early February, more than 900 people responded to a title and cover survey we released via our MennoMedia Facebook page,” says Amy Gingerich, executive director and publisher at MennoMedia. “Of the four title choices offered,…

  • Bluffton archivist tells story of Ephrata ‘Martyrs Mirror’

    Bluffton archivist tells story of Ephrata ‘Martyrs Mirror’

    At Bluffton (Ohio) University’s Musselman Library, archivist Carrie Phillips stores seven copies of the 1748 edition of the Ephrata Martyrs Mirror in boxes specially designed to keep them preserved. But this year, Phillips had multiple opportunities to take the books off the shelf and showcase both their religious and historical significance during presentations on and…

  • AMBS grads encouraged to fulfill ‘other half’ of Jesus’ mandate

    AMBS grads encouraged to fulfill ‘other half’ of Jesus’ mandate

    Palmer Becker of Kitchener, Ont., told Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary graduates that, as followers of Jesus, they have not only been given a mandate to teach, but also to cast out broken and evil spirits. “We might define these spirits in different ways and have different methods for casting them out, but the mandate stands,”…

  • Gala celebrates 40 years of PACS with stories of peace

    Gala celebrates 40 years of PACS with stories of peace

    In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS), on April 20 Conrad Grebel University College hosted a sold-out gala dinner featuring Bob Rae, a former Ontario premier, as keynote speaker. Focusing on the theme of “Pursuing peace: stories from home and abroad,” the evening included alumni stories, acknowledgements of those who…

  • Canadians invited to pray for end to famine

    Canadians invited to pray for end to famine

      Canadian Foodgrains Bank is inviting Canadians to join Christians around the world in a Global Day of Prayer to End Famine on June 10.  The call for this day of prayer comes from the All-Africa Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance, which invite Christians to “stand in…

  • CM honoured by national church press association

    CM honoured by national church press association

    Canadian Mennonite editors Virginia A. Hostetler and Ross W. Muir were present at the Canadian Church Press (CCP) convention and awards banquet in Hamilton on May 4, and came away with five awards for work published in 2017. CCP, an association of more than 60 publications, exists to “encourage higher standards of religious journalism and…