Category: Web First

  • !Explore nurtures youth who are passionate about the church

    !Explore nurtures youth who are passionate about the church

    In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) leaders of !Explore: A Theological Program for High School Youth are planning for a robust opportunity for teens to deepen their faith, expand their soul and imagine their place in God’s kingdom in the summer of 2021.  “!Explore offers a chance to…

  • Dishonoured treaties are ‘the ghost of our history’

    Dishonoured treaties are ‘the ghost of our history’

    Myeengun Henry, Indigenous elder, says treaty relationships should be tended. “We need to shine those up every year so we don’t forget how important they are.” Henry was the first speaker in a seven-month, online storytelling series called “Treaty as Sacred Covenant: Stories of Indigenous-Mennonite Relations,” that centres on covenants made, broken and renewed. A…

  • COVID-19 global response fund helps more Global South churches

    COVID-19 global response fund helps more Global South churches

    “I have seen entire families in the garbage dumps looking to quench their hunger. I have also watched with sadness as they return the elderly from the hospitals because there are no possibilities to attend them, nor medicines to supply them,” said Erwin Francisco Mirabal González, a Mennonite pastor in Venezuela. “We pray to the…

  • Palestinian advocacy persists amid pandemic, Middle Eastern turmoil 

    Palestinian advocacy persists amid pandemic, Middle Eastern turmoil 

    Like other educational institutions around the world, the West Bank’s Bethlehem Bible College has been broadsided by the COVID-19 pandemic. Campus lockdowns, infections among staff, a greater dependence on online instruction—all have been the new reality, in addition to the ongoing political uncertainties in the region. Amid the challenges, Mennonite Church Canada, through its International…

  • Watch: A look inside Meserete Kristos College

    Watch: A look inside Meserete Kristos College

    This past March, we published a story about Lynell Bergen’s sabbatical at Meserete Kristos College in Bishoftu, Ethiopia. Bergen, who is the lead pastor at Hope Mennonite Church in Winnipeg, spent her sabbatical teaching at the college. Now, you can watch a video exploring the time Bergen and her husband, Brian Dyck, spent at MKC.  The…

  • Watch: Winnipeg artist Curtis L. Wiebe is ‘The Imperfectionist’

    Watch: Winnipeg artist Curtis L. Wiebe is ‘The Imperfectionist’

    How do you make a thrift shop come to life? That’s the question dogging Winnipeg artist Curtis L. Wiebe in a 30-minute documentary called The Imperfectionist.  Released on TV in Manitoba in 2017 and uploaded to Vimeo this past May, the documentary follows Wiebe as he constructs a corner of a thrift shop that comes…

  • MWC shifts Assembly 17 to 2022

    MWC shifts Assembly 17 to 2022

    In close consultation with the national advisory committee in Indonesia, the host country, the executive committee of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) has decided not to hold Assembly 17 in 2021, as originally announced. Instead, MWC has decided to postpone its next global assembly until July 5-10, 2022.  “The COVID-19 pandemic continues to infect hundreds of…

  • Church seeks to boost ‘helping fund’ for people affected by pandemic

    Church seeks to boost ‘helping fund’ for people affected by pandemic

    Windsor-Essex County in southwestern Ontario has drawn a plethora of attention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to ongoing outbreaks and high occurrences of infections in specific sectors, the virus is still taking quite a toll in the region, despite the efforts of many. The ongoing measures to stifle the spread of the virus are beginning…

  • MCC responding to explosion in Beirut

    MCC responding to explosion in Beirut

    Mennonite Central Committee is responding to the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, that caused extensive damage throughout the capital city on Aug. 4.  The blast is believed to have been caused by large quantities of ammonium nitrate, used for fertilizer and explosives, stored unsafely in a warehouse at the city’s port. “The damage all over Beirut…