Category: Web First

  • Artist ‘aims to empower’ with webinar logo

    Artist ‘aims to empower’ with webinar logo

    Working with the theme of “What we need is here,” young Canadian artist Dona Park of Emmanuel Mennonite Church in Abbotsford, B.C. was commissioned to illustrate the logo and banner for the Women Doing Theology webinar series for Mennonite Church U.S.A.  The logo Park created. (Photo courtesy of Dona Park) Explaining her artwork, Park says,…

  • GAMEO offers knowledge for everyone

    GAMEO offers knowledge for everyone

    Whether you’re looking for historical background for an academic paper, a church anniversary story, or to confirm a detail like “when was the Mennonite World Conference Assembly held in Curitiba, Brazil?” the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online can help you. John Roth, the encyclopedia’s general editor, tells us more about this ever-expanding resource. What is…

  • ‘A public witness to God’s love’

    ‘A public witness to God’s love’

    The 12 Mennonite World Conference (MWC) regional representatives gather online every quarter to reflect on the struggles and joys of the Anabaptist churches in their regions. During its latest gathering, the representatives shared the burdens and creative resilience they see in their churches in response to COVID-19. Struggles The struggles seem to be the same…

  • Pandemic offers new opportunities for students

    Pandemic offers new opportunities for students

    The pandemic this year has turned the master of theological study (MTS) program’s teaching model on its head. Conrad Grebel University College professors have adapted and, in some cases, entirely reconstructed their MTS courses for the ease of learning and connecting virtually, meaning that graduate students who were used to learning together in small classes…

  • EMU’s Democrats and Republicans collaborate

    EMU’s Democrats and Republicans collaborate

    Two clubs at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va., did their best to get out the vote this month ahead of the Nov. 3 presidential election—and contrary to the fraught and divisive national scene, they did so harmoniously. The effort, which included a jointly staffed booth on multiple days outside the dining hall and one…

  • Credentials terminated for theologian-academic-pastor

    Credentials terminated for theologian-academic-pastor

    Mennonite Church Eastern Canada recently terminated the ministerial credentials of John D. Rempel of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., following an investigation into complaints of ministerial sexual misconduct. The complaints were brought to the regional church by Marcus Shantz, president of Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont., after former students brought allegations of sexual misconduct by Rempel to…

  • Leon’s Island

    Leon’s Island

    After 20 years of negotiations, planning and construction, the water has gone up behind Manitoba Hydro’s $8.7-billion Keeyask dam about 725 km. north of Winnipeg. The troubled project on the province’s largest river now floods 45 square kilometres.  Manitoba Hydro says that is a small area for a 695-megawatt dam, but there is nothing small…

  • Postures of trust and openness to transformation

    Postures of trust and openness to transformation

    Tany Warkentin and her family served as Mennonite Church Canada Witness workers in Burkina Faso for six years, until 2011. Warkentin brings that experience to her role as liaison to ministry in Africa for MC Canada. In this interview, Warkentin shares about the relationships between MC Canada congregations and the church in Burkina Faso, and…

  • Families negotiate education during pandemic

    Families negotiate education during pandemic

    Mary Anne Neufeld of Vineland, Ont. teaches Kindergarten in the public school system and was surprised at the beginning of the school year that 92 percent of students returned to the classroom instead of taking online classes. This was a tough decision for many parents. Staff members at Neufeld’s school were nervous, but the professional…

  • Can preaching bring peace?

    Can preaching bring peace?

    The annual Menno Simons Sermon Prize is seeking submissions from pastors and lay preachers from around the world in German, English, Dutch, French and Spanish before Dec. 1, 2020. The sermon—on the topic of peace—should have been preached before submission. Half of the prize money (over $3,000 Cdn) is given to the preacher; the remaining…