MC Canada: ‘Pray for the people of Myanmar’
Mennonite Church Canada calls on the nationwide community of faith to pray for the people of Myanmar. Pray also for our Myanmar siblings here in Canada. They are deeply concerned for their loved ones and the effect that recent actions will have on peace within Myanmar. Myanmar’s military has seized power and detained democratically elected…
Paul Bergman returns with new single
It’s been more than five years since Paul Bergman’s last album, but the wait for new music is over. “I Just Want to Walk in the Dark with You,” a three-minute single from the southern Manitoba singer-songwriter, is out today. Bergman wrote the song almost 15 years ago. He recorded it during the sessions that…
Deep dive into theology
Christian theology, ministry and the Bible are complex topics that can be studied using various approaches at Conrad Grebel University College (Waterloo, Ont.), whose master of theological studies (MTS) program offers students three distinct paths to complete their degree: course work, applied studies and thesis. The thesis pathway is structurally very different from the other…
New ways of learning for a new time
Nindyo Sasongko believes theology should be publicly available to a wider audience. His experiment in online discussions began in late 2018. When the pandemic hit last year, “@Theovlogy” increased in frequency to meet the demand for online means of connecting. “The initial purpose was to be for laypeople who don’t have background in theology in…
Watch: A tour of Voices Together
It may be aimed at children, but everyone will learn something from a video exploring the new Voices Together hymnal. The video walks viewers through everything that is on a hymnal page, as well as many of the hymnal’s indices. Melinda Metzger, a Waterloo Region music educator, created the video for the Sunday morning children’s…
Common Read continues with ‘I Am Not Your Enemy’
Mennonite Church Canada, Mennonite Church USA and Herald Press began partnering in September to encourage Mennonites to engage in a “common read,” a shared reading experience focused on specific books written to nurture Christian faith in this cultural moment. McRay. (Photo by Joanna Lampa) The Common Read continues this month with I Am Not Your…
MC Canada responds to Capitol Hill violence
Mennonite Church Canada has released a statement and prayer in response to Wednesday’s violence on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.: “As leaders of Mennonite Church Canada and its regions, we pray for our siblings in Mennonite Church USA and, together with them, lament the escalation of violence that led to Wednesday’s events on Capitol Hill.…
Watch and Listen: A 2020 Christmas Playlist
If you’re missing the songs you are used to singing and hearing in church at this time of year, Canadian Mennonite has just the thing for you. We have created a playlist of videos that have been uploaded to YouTube in recent weeks that feature Mennonites from across Canada singing traditional hymns. You can check…
Making believe together, participating in dialogue
Ancient cave drawings illustrate that artistic expression is endemic to humanity. And throughout history, artists have pushed boundaries and come into conflict with their communities. Mennonites exemplify this tension as much as or more than most communities, due to their emphasis on rules and ethics and a more literal interpretation of the biblical text. Mennonite…