Category: News

  • Away in a manor

    Away in a manor

    It’s not your typical nativity play. While most Christmas productions feature rosy-cheeked children wearing bathrobes and pillows cases, Bethany Manor’s “Nativity on Wheels” stars senior citizens, many of whom have mobility challenges. The angel Gabriel, played by Paul Friesen. The seniors’ living complex in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, staged its third annual nativity play on December 20,…

  • Mennonites protest in Waterloo

    Mennonites protest in Waterloo

    On December 19, approximately 250 Mennonites, Palestinians and others gathered in Waterloo’s City Hall to call on Member of Parliament Bardish Chagger to publicly support an immediate and sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. The event was organized for the Mennonite Day of Action for a ceasefire, organized by Mennonite Action. Members of Palestine Solidarity KW staged…

  • The language of protest

    The language of protest

    Whether it’s a vigil for missing and murdered Indigenous women or a march for climate justice, chances are you’ve seen an article about a protest in recent years.   In a society marked by increasing violence and polarization, how do non-violent actions such as protests help change society? How do they change participants?   Anna…

  • Mennonite rally calls for ceasefire

    Mennonite rally calls for ceasefire

    “We come with intense pain and grief over the suffering of Palestinians and Israelis.”   With those words, Marta Bunnett Wiebe welcomed about 95 Winnipeggers to a peace service of prayers and songs on December 19 outside the office of Liberal Member of Parliament Dan Vandal.   “As people of God’s peace, we are called…

  • Mennos gather at MP’s office for Day of Action

    Mennos gather at MP’s office for Day of Action

    About 30 Mennonites assembled in the lobby of Garden Park Tower on December 19 to make their voices heard on the Mennonite Day of Action asking for a ceasefire in Palestine. Organizers originally planned to assemble at the second-floor office of Ed Fast, Abbotsford Member of Parliament, but due to the larger-than-expected gathering, organizers decided…

  • MC Canada announces green grant recipients

    MC Canada announces green grant recipients

    Mennonite Church Canada is pleased to announce Emissions Reduction Grants (ERG) totaling $23,021 to help one rural and eight urban congregations reduce their carbon footprint. Fourteen additional congregations expressed interest in the program. Sandy Plett, climate action coordinator and member of the Sustainability Leadership Group (SLG), which oversees the process, said they were delighted by…

  • Reflections on the end of the Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre

    Reflections on the end of the Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre

    On October 24, 2023, the Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre (TMTC) held a virtual closing ceremony to mark the end of its 33-year existence. The centre’s mandate was to develop theological leadership for church and academy, by supporting Mennonite graduate students in theology, biblical studies and related fields. It worked primarily with students at the ecumenical…

  • Highlights from CM’s online event with young pastors

    Highlights from CM’s online event with young pastors

    On November 29, Canadian Mennonite hosted “Answering the Call,” an online event featuring three young pastors: Curtis Wiens of Aberdeen Mennonite Church in Aberdeen, Saskatchewan; Kennedy Froese of Sterling Mennonite Fellowship in Winnipeg; and YElshaday Baraki of Meheret Evangelical Church in Kitchener, Ontario. The following highlights of the event have been edited for length and…

  • ‘You can’t keep everything you love’

    ‘You can’t keep everything you love’

    Welcome to “Life in the 80s,” a semi-regular series in which we ask people in their 80s or 90s to share their wisdom. Ed (85) and Louise (84) Janzen met as students at Mennonite Educational Institute (MEI) in Abbotsford, B.C. Both grew up in the Mennonite Brethren Church. Ed has worked in human resources and…

  • ‘Custodians’ makes a clean sweep

    ‘Custodians’ makes a clean sweep

    The film Custodians: A Story of Ancient Echoes won big at the Saskatchewan International Film Fest (SIFF) in October. The documentary explores the work of local landowners, volunteers and municipal government officials in conserving the many signs of historic Indigenous presence in the Herschel, Saskatchewan, area. The judges awarded Custodians top prize for Best Full-Length…