Couple enjoys being ‘on the road’ with MDS
A year off to travel and volunteer—that’s what Neil and Audrey Rempel are doing. The semi-retired couple from Winnipeg are part of the Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) recreational vehicle program, whose volunteers drive their RVs to worksites to assist with rebuilding. Neil, 66, was a painter for 20 years, and he also built homes. Audrey, 67,…
Learning through space and time
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary organized a trip to Egypt in January 2016. The goal was to encounter the long history of Egypt as well as to get to know Christian and Muslim communities. Of the 37 participants from Canada, the United States and Australia, seven took the trip as a seminary course. Together we engaged…
Great Trek from Russia to Central Asia remembered
“[In Tashkent] the nearby river was full of fish and the banks were lined with trees loaded with apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, pomegranates, lemons, oranges and many fruits we had no name for. “It seemed like the ideal place to settle,” wrote Elizabeth Unruh Schulz, reflecting on the Great Trek migration from Russia…
‘A community of friends around the world’
Building “a community of friends around the world” is a driving force behind Dashir Lodge and Safaris, based in the Arusha area of Tanzania. Darryl and Shirley Peters’ vision is founded on bringing Africans and guests together as friends. Dashir, a blend of Darryl and Shirley’s names, is also a way for them to live…
Insights from abroad
Since I began as director of intercultural studies (ICS) at Columbia Bible College in 2013, the college has sent out 45 young adults to serve in a variety of contexts—Mongolia, Mexico, Mayotte, Myanmar, Macedonia, Moldova—and those are just the countries beginning with “M”! After two years of academic learning, leadership equipping and spiritual preparation on…
MCC tours a transformative way to travel
“Seeing for yourself” can be a compelling motivator. It’s one of the reasons Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) offers learning tours several times a year. With projects in more than 50 countries in the areas of relief, development and peacebuilding, the scope of MCC’s work is vast and complex. Learning tours are a tangible way to…