The arts remind us to ask what it means to be human
At Conrad Grebel University College, students engage the arts in two ways. Those enrolled in academic programs immerse themselves in questions central to the human experience: how to compose a moving work of music, how to understand the Bible in the 21st century or how to effect peaceful social change. As they learn their discipline,…
Volunteers ‘go beyond’ in the community
Our journey at Rockway focuses on students developing an ability to lead with compassion when classroom learning is extended so they can live out Christ-centred values, develop empathy and perspective, and serve the community locally and globally. This is the inspiration behind Rockway’s new Students Learning in Community (SLIC) partnerships. Volunteers travel with students to…
Seminarians study sustainability at Merry Lea
A vision for incorporating sustainability into seminary education came to fruition in the fall of 2018 when two students from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Ind., joined the Sustainability Leadership Semester at Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen (Ind.) College. Benjamin and Rianna Isaak-Krauss are the first AMBS students to take advantage…
‘An education for life’
The vision at Menno Simons Christian School to offer “An education for life” challenges us to provide an education that equips children for now and for tomorrow. It encompasses an academic experience with opportunities to grow in areas of the arts and athletics, but of equal importance we strive to provide an Anabaptist Mennonite education…
From Winnipeg to Win-Stick
It’s called the Win-Stick and it tells a story. Created by the Grade 10 class at Rosthern Junior College (RJC), the Win-Stick expresses some of what they learned during a class trip to Winnipeg. The trip, which took place early last December, focused on the theme “Insiders and outsiders,” and included visits to the Canadian…
Westgate student, alumni win music scholarships
One Westgate Mennonite Collegiate student and two alumni are recipients of scholarships awarded by the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg. Cellist Juliana Moroz, who is in Grade 12 at the Winnipeg school, won a scholarship valued at $2,500. Soprano Christina Thanisch-Smith, who graduated from the school in 2015, received the Madeleine Gauvin Scholarship, worth $2,000;…
Grebel sings to bridge gaps and build community
At the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year, students, staff and faculty at Conrad Grebel University College took a deep breath and sang together, first in unison, and then in several different parts to build a new melody. The piece called “We All Sing” was written by Karen Sunabacka, a Grebel prof, and commissioned for…
Students gain out-of-school experience
This past spring, students from Rockway Mennonite Collegiate’s Grade 8 class began participating in a new project whose goal is to build character, skills and perspective; and to create opportunity for students to serve our larger community. The students, led by science teacher Gail Snyder, extended their classroom learning by working alongside adults with intellectual…
Canadian schools show slight student increases
Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ont. This September, more than 260 post-secondary school students made their way to Conrad Grebel University College on the University of Waterloo campus. Arriving from across Canada (primarily Ontario), the United States, and internationally from Indonesia, India, Sudan, Vietnam and China, these students bring much energy, ambition and excitement to…
New website locates EMU alumni businesses, internship opportunities
Royal Connections, a new feature launching on the Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) website, showcases alumni-owned or -managed businesses all over the world, and helps students, parents and graduates find and connect with them. Do you live in Winnipeg, and need a mediation or conflict management specialist who loves EMU as much as you do? No…