Gospel for the poor
Antonio González’s book, The Gospel of Faith and Justice (Orbis Books, 2005), is a fantastic resource for Christians who know intuitively that faith and justice are two sides of the same coin and who are unsettled when the church demonstrates just one side. It is also a book for people who are curious about how…
A sobering, optimistic challenge
Stuart Murray’s Post-Christendom: Church and Mission in a Strange New World is a bold project. Murray is a church planter, founding director of the Centre for Anabaptist Studies in Great Britain and author of The Naked Anabaptist. In this book, he takes on the brave task of naming the time the Western church is in,…
Alberta writing team creates 2024 Advent resources
Seven people from three Mennonite Church Alberta churches pooled their creative talents to produce worship resources for this fall’s issue of Leader magazine. Leader magazine, a MennoMedia publication for MC Canada and MC USA constituents, publishes worship resources for Advent through Epiphany each fall. The resources include calls to worship, readings, hymn and sermon suggestions…
Book picks of 2024
In the course of my work, which includes serving as books editor, I do a lot of reading as well as writing—see CM’s Books issue (November 2024)—but at the end of each day, I also enjoy reading books for pleasure. For a number of years, I have shared a list of the best books I’ve…
Book reviews
Prophet Song. I don’t think I’ve read a book that articulates as brilliantly as Paul Lynch’s Prophet Song (winner of the 2023 Booker Prize)
Ninety-two-year-old artist publishes children’s book
When Rita Dahl was a child, the bottom third of the family’s kitchen door was her canvas. The top sections were for her older sisters to draw on. “We were products of the Depression and we couldn’t buy a lot of paper, so our mother let us draw on the kitchen door,” she said. “We…
Seeing beauty and injustice
Since her death in 1943, Simone Weil’s philosophy has impacted dozens of writers, thinkers and theologians. T.S. Eliot named her a saint. Simone de Beauvoir envied her spirit. Now, in The Literary Afterlives of Simone Weil: Feminism, Justice, and the Challenge of Religion, Cindy Wallace examines how nine writers, including Adrienne Rich, Annie Dillard and the Mennonite…
Fall list of books & resources
Theology, Spirituality The Beginning of the Story: Understanding the Old Testament in the Story of Scripture. Timothy J. Geddert. Herald Press, 2023, 208 pages. The Old Testament has great value because it is the grand narrative of God’s relationship with humans. The author says we should interpret the stories in light of the teachings…
Mennonite leader offers approaches to polarization
J. Nelson Kraybill bluntly states that his book has no special formula that will save the church or the world from destructive polarization. Instead, it offers guidance on how individuals and congregations can navigate in the midst of conflict, using Jesus as the prime example. Kraybill is a highly respected leader in the Mennonite church.…
Experiences of violence to be overtly named and resisted
Over the past several decades, a particularly painful and dissonant question has arisen within the Mennonite church: What is a faithful response to violence perpetrated by the church, especially one that professes to be a peace church? This diverse collection of essays, poetry and personal reflections helpfully grapples with this question from multiple angles and…