Category: Feature Articles

  • Finding new paths through the wilderness

    Finding new paths through the wilderness

    There is a changing reality in many Mennonite churches today. Like other denominations, Mennonite congregations have long lost the gravitational pull they had in the early and mid-1900s, when community life revolved around church activities. Many no longer have the burgeoning Sunday school classes of children that prompted churches to look at physical expansion in…

  • The economy and my new pair of shoes

    The economy and my new pair of shoes

    The other morning, after dreaming to the tune of the constant patter of rain on the tin roof of my house, I woke early to enjoy a morning stroll through the mountains of northern Guatemala. After an hour or so of watching the mystical dance of clouds caressing the valleys and peaks of the green…

  • For discussion

    1. What have been your experiences of suffering, either personally or by people around you? What are the biggest challenges of dealing with long-term suffering? Have you seen someone’s identity or personality change as a result of suffering? How have relationships been affected? 2. How do Christians react when prayers for healing go unanswered? How…

  • Tips for giving—and receiving—visits in the midst of chronic suffering

    Allow yourself to be open and vulnerable. People who suffer live with difficult questions. It is good to discuss them.

  • ‘Where is God?’

    ‘Where is God?’

    It’s hard to imagine a force powerful enough to keep an academic from his books, a father from playing with his children, a husband from attending to the wife he loves.

  • For discussion

    1. How big is the problem of poverty in your community? What local initiatives have tried to reduce poverty? Have they been successful? What circumstances lead to high levels of poverty? Do you have a sense of hope that the problems of poverty can be overcome? 2. Derek Cook suggests that our current social, economic…

  • The ART of hope

    The ART of hope

    “The poor will be with you always.” That is the message that seems to have been so frequently taken away from the gospel when we talk about poverty. That’s not a very encouraging message to someone who has been tasked with coming up with a way to end it. But it’s true, the poor have…

  • For discussion

    1. How important is the Bible in your life? Do you think the church has lost its commitment to the Bible? Is your church presently wrestling with any passages of Scripture? Which ones have you wrestled with in the past? Are there passages that the church simply ignores? 2. Derek Suderman suggests that churches are…

  • Wrestling with our identity

    Wrestling with our identity

    After being called the Son of God at his baptism, Jesus was challenged by the devil, underscoring the connection between this identity and action: “If you are the Son of God . . . .”

  • Re-imagining touch as a spiritual practice

    Re-imagining touch as a spiritual practice

    Pinch the skin on the back of your hand, then release it and watch it fall. Your skin gradually slides back into place. Constantly healing and being recreated, our skin both protects us and offers us the sense of touch through which we experience the world. In our modern times, touch and religion can make…