Category: Feature Articles

  • Obligated to ‘choose life’

    Obligated to ‘choose life’

    To begin with, Judaism teaches that our lives belong to God. We are mere stewards of the body which the Creator has given us. As Jews, we also believe that we are commanded to preserve our lives. Deuteronomy 4:9 teaches that Jews should “carefully preserve yourselves.” For us, this means we are obligated to take…

  • Applying ancient wisdom to the here and now

    Applying ancient wisdom to the here and now

    Buddhism as an organized religion began some 2,600 years ago. The advanced technology we have today was unimaginable in those distant eras. We are thus faced with the problem of applying ancient wisdom to our actual lives as they are lived here and now. Buddhism starts with reverence for life. Our hope is to preserve…

  • For discussion: Other faiths speak out on end-of-life issues

    1. John Longhurst refers to a recent poll indicating that 70 percent of Canadians support physician-assisted suicide and 68 percent believe that those who help a seriously ill person commit suicide should not face legal charges. How would you respond to these questions? Why do you think these numbers are so high? What concerns do…

  • ‘Right to life does not include the right to be killed’

    Lawyers with the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC), of which Mennonite Church Canada is a member, have joined lawyers from across the country in signing a declaration that condemns the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide. “I signed the declaration because I don’t believe that the law should change,” explains Don Hutchinson, EFC vice-president and…

  • A book of answers . . . or a book of God-with-us stories?

    A book of answers . . . or a book of God-with-us stories?

    A mayor in Texas made headlines this past December when he proclaimed 2014 as “the Year of the Bible.” “Throughout the history of the United States, one of the most important influences that has shaped our country into a distinctive nation, none may have been more profound or enduring than the Bible,” Mayor Tom Hayden…

  • For discussion: A book of answers . . . or a book of God-with-us stories?

    1. What biblical movies have you seen? Will you watch the upcoming releases mentioned by Aaron Epp? Do you think Hollywood movies are an effective way to learn stories from the Bible? How do these movies influence our understanding of the Bible? 2. Do you agree with Carol Penner that there has been a general…

  • Listen to the unjust judge

    Listen to the unjust judge

    When I first read this passage in Luke’s gospel, in preparation for preaching on it, I thought, “Oh, this is just too easy.” Unlike some stories which leave you scratching your head, this one seems all too straightforward. If even an unjust judge listens to a persistent widow, how much more will God—a just judge—listen…

  • For discussion: Listen to the unjust judge

    1. In what situations have you prayed for justice or deliverance? Have you ever begun to doubt that you were praying hard enough, or even to doubt the existence of God? How do you keep your faith when there is so much injustice and suffering in the world? Do you find the story of the…

  • Bread, acceptance and covenant

    Update: In October 2020, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada announced the termination of the ministerial credentials of John D. Rempel, on the basis of ministerial sexual misconduct. To learn more, see ‘Credentials terminated for theologian-academic-pastor.’ Table fellowship is seen by some as a primal expression of hospitality, with the offer of food an opening of hand and…

  • A multi-atonement communion service

    The good news is that God came to us in Jesus Christ to reconcile us to himself and to invite us into his kingdom. The news of what God has done—and is doing—for us in Christ is so great that no single way, of explaining it is adequate. Today in this communion service we will…