Arts & Worship; Imagine If The Church Led (#3)

“When unbelievers lead the way in inventions and artistic expression, its because the church has embraced a false kind of spirituality” — Pastor Bill Johnson, of Redding, California.

What does that mean in reflection of our churches?

We as Christians believe that God is almighty. He is the Creator of all, the Inventor of all. He created the world, and all that is in it. He created the capacity of hymns and steadiness, for dancing and spontaneity. It was God that created the capacity for technology, theater, music in all its forms, dance, painting, carpentry, beautiful cultural traditions and so much more. All these things and more can be used for the arts, and all arts can be used in worshiping God.

In fact, when we limit our understanding of worship, we limit our experience of God. We limit the places where the community of church can exist. I don’t believe the church is a place of limitations. In fact, every thing I know about Jesus suggests that limits are pushed by the freedom our salvation brings.

It makes me think twice about judging someone’s preferred way of worship. It also makes me careful about what kind of spirituality I embrace. It gives me a dream for the church, one where the church leads the way in inventions and artistic expression.

Can you imagine that world? I am personally just learning how. My challenge to you today is to start imagining a world where the church leads in innovation and artistic expression.What does that look like?

Let me know if you figure it out.