For discussion

1. How does your congregation commemorate the pain of the cross and celebrate the joy of Easter? What do you find most meaningful? Peter J. Dyck describes a papier-maché drama that he experienced in Poland. How would that drama be received at your church?

2. What things discourage us as we walk along the road of life? What are the things we “just can’t understand”? What are some ways that the Easter story brings light and hope to this “dark” path?

3. Dyck ponders how and why he believes in the resurrection and afterlife. How do you respond to his musings? Why does our modern culture find belief in the resurrection difficult?

4. When have you experienced the Easter story in a powerful way? What role did music and drama play? What Easter hymns are special for you? Are there special memories associated with these hymns? How important is emotional engagement in the celebration of Good Friday and Easter?

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