Canadian cyclists raise money for Botswana soccer pitch

Having fun and raising funds

Winnipeg, Man.

On October 4, 56 cyclists and eight teams in six locations across the country took part in Mennonite Church Canada’s Ride for Refuge. Together they raised almost $20,000 in support of a ministry project for youth at risk in Botswana.

The project was initiated by Nathan and Taryn Dirks, Mennonite Church Canada workers in Botswana. Donations will refurbish a neglected playground in Gaborone and construct a soccer pitch for neighbourhood youth on the same site. The project has been so well received that it is serving as a pilot for similar developments throughout Botswana, where soccer is a much-loved sport.

The goal of the project is to provide youth with an alternative activity to the drinking establishments and other unsafe activities that go on adjacent to the park.

Ride for Refuge cyclists included Pastor Henry Krause, a former moderator of Mennonite Church Canada, and Willard Metzger, executive director.

“Let the chaffing begin!” Metzger wrote on Facebook when he discovered that he had been signed up for an unexpected 25k ride, when several shorter routes were options. Krause and Metzger rode in B.C.

Jason Martin, partnership development coordinator for Ontario, cycled with his team, the Drayton Riders. “Most of the team were . . . from Wallenstein Feed where I also work. We had fun that day, and at least half of the team really were enthusiastic about raising funds. The other half joined late, but still appreciated the ride, fun and helping to make a difference,” said Martin.

The Dirks, whose home congregation is Niagara United Mennonite Church in Ont., posted a message of gratitude on Facebook. “. . . We are so amazed and humbled at the support. Our Botswana volunteers who are working on the community development project out here are blown away and incredibly encouraged. . . .” Learn more about the Dirks’ ministry project here: Nate and Taryn blog at

As of October 24, 331 donors helped Mennonite Church Canada’s Ride for Refuge project reach 99 percent of the set goal. 

–Posted Oct. 30, 2014

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