
  • CMU Xplore program ventures into new territory

    CMU Xplore program ventures into new territory


    When Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) moved its Xplore classes online for the fall 2020 semester due to COVID-19, Marlene Janzen was thrilled. Janzen lives in Ottawa, so the new format…

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  • Lecture-recital highlights women composers

    Lecture-recital highlights women composers


    Celebrating the contribution of women composers in Voices Together means reclaiming the voices of historical women whose work has been overlooked and also to “elevate the voices of women who…

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  • Church members enjoy ‘snail mail’ during pandemic

    Church members enjoy ‘snail mail’ during pandemic


    In this time of isolation, some members of Abbotsford’s Emmanuel Mennonite Church are discovering the delights of a relationship based on the old-fashioned medium of handwritten letters. At the beginning…

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  • A new approach to nature

    A new approach to nature


    Everyone knows how a good walk in nature makes them feel: relaxed and refreshed. Due to pandemic guidelines, though, many activities have been restricted, but walking is not one of…

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  • ‘God is at work among us’

    ‘God is at work among us’


    Michael Pahl Michael Pahl’s first month as Mennonite Church Manitoba’s new executive minister was a traffic jam of Zoom meetings and a steep drive around the learning curve. Pahl, 50,…

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  • Epp sisters

    Epp sisters


    Epp sisters Anna Klaassen (1904-1976) and Maria Nickel (1903-1957) work together on the family farm in Saskatchewan stooking sheaves of grain. Stooking required workers to gather the cut grain into…

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  • Herald Press releases ‘Lamenting Racism’

    Herald Press releases ‘Lamenting Racism’


    Racial injustice is a blight on our society, yet many Christians have been hesitant to speak up about racism. In Lamenting Racism (Herald Press, January 2021), a multiracial team of…

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  • Carrying the light

    Carrying the light


    Living Water Church in Borabu, Thailand, was honoured to host the first Anabaptist gathering in that country from Nov. 25 to 27, 2020. Five Anabaptist missions organizations were represented: Eastern…

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  • Celebrating the life of John Cornies (1940-2020)

    Celebrating the life of John Cornies (1940-2020)


    “Leadership can be rewarding as well as lonely,” wrote the late John Cornies in his memoir. “I have, however, felt God’s leading and calling in these endeavours. While I felt…

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  • Practising restorative justice in a nightgown

    Practising restorative justice in a nightgown

    My wife and I live in a triplex in the Montréal borough of Hochelaga, in the eastern part of the island. One of our sons, who does not live with…

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  • Watch: MDS looks back at 2020

    Watch: MDS looks back at 2020


    Mennonite Disaster Service didn’t let the COVID-19 pandemic stop it from having a banner year. In a seven-minute video released on YouTube last Saturday, the binational organization—which cleans up, repairs…

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  • What are they doing with our money?

    What are they doing with our money?


    The annual congregational meeting is moving along with the usual reports and updates. Then it’s time to discuss next year’s budget. Seeing the dollar amount the congregation will forward to…

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  • A hymn by any other number

    A hymn by any other number


    When hymnologist Mary Oyer travelled from Uganda to Oregon to attend the 1969 Mennonite Church general assembly, she was surely filled with anticipation. She arrived in the second week of…

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  • Readers write: February 15, 2021 issue

    Readers write: February 15, 2021 issue


    Readers weigh in on MCC’s research on National Socialism Re: “Committed to seeking a deeper understanding: MCC begins research into historical connections to National Socialism,” Feb. 1, page 13. Kudos,…

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  • Transition in leadership

    Transition in leadership


    My first season of a church in an intentional pastoral transition process was as an associate pastor with my home church in Surrey, B.C. I joined the church when it…

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  • Gary Snider

    Gary Snider


    In 1984, a local reporter interviews Gary Snider, dressed in clothes his grandfather wore when he arrived as an immigrant from the Soviet Union 60 years before. Three hundred people…

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  • ‘Our framing story’

    ‘Our framing story’


    The Jan. 10 bulletin at Tiefengrund Mennonite Church included the following church family news: “Ed Olfert has officially retired and is now living the good life! In other news, Ed…

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  • The practice of Lent

    The practice of Lent


    I like Lent. I wonder how many Mennonites practise this season in the church calendar. And if so, what they do. For western Christians, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb.…

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  • Living in the middle

    Living in the middle


    Life is full of spectrums, and I often struggle to find my place on them. Some spectrums, like the light spectrum from infrared through the visible colours to ultraviolet, although…

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  • Liberating and recovering Anabaptist theology

    Liberating and recovering Anabaptist theology


    The two most influential attempts at Mennonite self-definition in the 20th century were Harold Bender’s Anabaptist Vision and John Howard Yoder’s The Politics of Jesus. Both legacies have come under…

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