Helping each other follow Jesus
Categories: OpinionHow can we help each other to follow Jesus? I’m sure I’m not alone when I relate that my own journey of discipleship has sometimes felt more like a solo…
B.C. baptism
Categories: OpinionA baptismal group from 1967 at Eben-Ezer Mennonite Church in Abbotsford, B.C. Baptism was an important event in the life of an individual and the church, and people dressed for the…
‘I shall not be moved’
Categories: OpinionStrong, hopeful and resilient. Are those words that describe you today, after a year of pandemic restrictions, with all the predictions of doom in regards to climate change, and ongoing…
Are you okay with okay?
Categories: OpinionIt’s been a while since you dared listen to the whispers of your innermost being, calling you to discover who you truly, fully are. That inner voice suggesting there is…
Digging into diet
Categories: OpinionMy family farms, raising plants and animals on a small scale—40 hens, five cows, two sows—both to feed ourselves and as a source of income. So I read with great…
Churches weigh in on bill to ban conversion therapy
Categories: NewsA proposed federal law to criminalize conversion therapy is creating controversy, not because anyone is openly defending the practice of seeking to convert LGBTQ+ people to heterosexuality, but because…
CM awarded six CCCA certificates
Categories: NewsThe Canadian Christian Communicators Association again took to Zoom for its sophomore Awards of Merit ceremony, held on April 7. A total of 20 Canadian magazines, newspapers and communications organizations…
Hanley Mennonite closes after nearly 100 years
Categories: News“I understand this as part of the life cycle of the church,” says Gary Peters. “We’ve been in the process of aging, now we’re in the process of dying.” This…
Greetings and gifts on Good Friday
Categories: NewsMembers of Chilliwack’s Crossroads Community Church found a creative way on Easter weekend to both introduce its new pastor in person and to celebrate Easter with the community. For two…
Palestine-Israel Network shares Undercurrents podcast
Categories: NewsAt its 2016 assembly, Mennonite Church Canada passed a resolution affirming nonviolent efforts of Palestinians and Israelis to overcome injustice in their region, and committing Canadian Mennonites to “deepen their…
The Gourmet Girls
Categories: NewsImagine if you could eat at a five-star restaurant every Saturday night, even during COVID-19. That’s what has been happening in one neighbourhood in Calgary since May 2020. A recent…
Women’s group revitalizing its place in community
Categories: News“Woven: Mennonite Women Together” is the new name of the formerly titled Mennonite Women Manitoba Working Group. The group shed its long moniker as part of its rebranding this year,…
Making a difference
Categories: NewsForty-one acres in Campden, Ont., are being cultivated, planted and harvested for the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, with sponsorships of $400 an acre helping to plant a crop for the Grow…
Looking for applicants . . . and donors
Categories: Web FirstMennonite Church Canada is renewing its call for applicants to the Company of 1000 Study Reserve fund and also for people to become regular donors to the fund. The Company…
Camp Valaqua, then and now
In March, my friend and I were fulfilling our duty of cleaning out the Canadian Mennonite University Student Council room when we came across a filing cabinet of school newspapers…
Conscience Canada annual meeting on May 1
Four decades ago, a group of Quakers in Victoria, B.C., birthed an organization to support and propagate war-tax resisters. It attracted Mennonites, Friends and various other peace-minded people across Canada.…
What happens when we read together?
Categories: EditorialWhen my family moved to Canada, I was amazed to learn that the Canadian Broadcasting Company ran a reality show featuring—of all things!—books. Each year, the Canada Reads program selects…
Recommended reads
Categories: Feature Articles“Rainy days,” Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist Bill Watterson once wrote, “should be spent at home with a cup of tea and a good book.” As part of Canadian Mennonite’s biannual…
Readers write: April 12, 2021 issue
Categories: OpinionReader calls on Mennonites to reject COVID-19 vaccines Re: “A duty to love our neighbours,” March 1, pages 1 and 18. I am deeply saddened that so many leaders of…
Called to hear
Categories: OpinionI have a selective hearing problem. When I’m at home on a Thursday night, weary from a day’s worth of important religious listening, the certain pleas of a younger family member…