Author explains why he wrote ‘To Antoine’
Categories: Books & ResourcesHow does one go about writing a novel? For author Erwin J. Wiens, the idea for his book To Antoine came to him about 30 years ago and haunted him…
Ron J. Sider
Categories: OpinionRon J. Sider was an inspirational Canadian-American leader in the Christian community. It was his sermon at the Mennonite World Conference assembly in 1984 that spurred the formation of Community Peacemaker…
Novel examines Mennonite ethics in Second World War
Categories: Books & ResourcesE.J. Wiens has written a powerful story that explores the question of Mennonite collaboration with the Nazis during the Second World War. Hesets this question within the broader context of…
‘Bring your best self’
Categories: OpinionIn the final days of October, Holly and I reached an anniversary. Recently a relative reminded us that, in 1972, five cousins headed to five altars with their partners. Marie,…
Bridges over fences in Saskatchewan
Categories: Books & ResourcesBridges Over Fences provides in story form an impressive portrayal of first-hand experiences of non-Indigenous populations interacting with, and living next to and among, Saskatchewan’s Indigenous populations located on historically…
Writing for the foyer
Categories: OpinionThis month’s column is precipitated by two written events. In the recent article announcing Will Braun’s appointment as Canadian Mennonite’s new editor, Braun says he “views the magazine as less…
Pastors meet for coffee and books
Categories: Books & Resources“We marked up our books like crazy with the things we wanted to talk about,” says Tany Warkentin, pastoral leader at Springridge Mennonite Church in Pincher Creek. A group of…
Listening to the Spirit, with John
Categories: Feature ArticlesAt an Anglican church I know, the congregational response after the reading of Scripture is: “Listen to what the Spirit is saying to the church.” This response captures the dynamic…
Priests of what are not gods
Categories: OpinionAbijah, fifth king of Judah, is standing with his 400,000 men on the cusp of battle, badly outnumbered. Jeroboam, king of Israel, confidently stands with his 800,000 men, ready to…
‘A Creative God’ resources explore visual arts in worship in intercultural Anabaptist congregations
Categories: Web FirstA new group of resources on visual arts in worship is available from Together in Worship, an online collection of worship resources from Anabaptist sources. The centrepiece is “A Creative…
MCC begins 2022-2023 meat canning season
Categories: Web FirstAs Mennonite Central Committee begins its 2022-2023 meat canning season, the need for food in Ukraine and other countries around the world is growing. In Ukraine, millions of people have…
Grebel launches new strategic plan
Categories: Web FirstMarcus Shantz, Conrad Grebel University College’s president, provided an overview of Grebel’s new strategic plan during the school’s annual general meeting on Oct 4. Entitled “Renewing an inspired community,” Shantz…
Grebel prof contributes to global study of Bible
Categories: Web FirstDerek Suderman, a professor at Conrad Grebel University College, is passionate about connecting with global Anabaptist churches and contributing to cross-cultural teaching. This summer, he taught courses in Cuba and…
First Mennonite Church celebrates 90 years
On Oct. 30, First Mennonite Church in Saskatoon celebrated 90 years of congregational life. The church held a special worship service, lunch and anniversary program to mark the occasion. First…
Join the peace and reconciliation field experience
Mennonite Church Canada is offering a Philippines learning tour from Jan. 12-22, 2023. Participants will visit the Mindanao region of the Philippines to experience firsthand how to walk and talk…
Book explores 50 years of peace and reconciliation work
WINNIPEG—Edith and Neill von Gunten launched their new book, Walking Together: Intercultural Stories of Love and Acceptance, on Sept. 29. More than 50 people gathered at Canadian Mennonite University’s Marpeck…
Fall Festival brings in $94,074
John and Helen Neudorf have been donating beautiful items to the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) relief sales for many years. This year, they donated a unique framed quilt to hang…
AMBS reports growth in student numbers
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Ind., is reporting a growth in student numbers this fall, with total enrolment increasing from 145 students in 2021 to 157 this year.…
Five pastoral callings
Categories: Feature ArticlesA quiet, years-long journey. A voice speaking in a mosh pit full of teenagers. A love for the church. An unexpected second career. These are just some of the ways…
Parting thoughts
Categories: OpinionMy adventure with Canadian Mennonite began in October 2013, when I stepped into the newly created role of web editor. In March 2017, I became executive editor, teaming up with…