Fly like an eagle
Categories: UncategorizedOn a gorgeous summer afternoon, I willingly tumbled out of an airplane from more than 3,000 metres above the ground, entrusting my life to a piece of nylon, a ripcord…
Helping through interior design
Categories: UncategorizedIf you are out running errands in Saskatoon and your travels take you to the bank, a convenience store or your doctor’s office, there’s a chance you will encounter the…
Financial crisis looms
Categories: UncategorizedWhat makes a Mennonite personal care home Mennonite? This question is central to the critical financial situation that the Bethania Group faces in its two personal care homes. Bethania Personal…
Bolivian Mennonite rape trial ends in convictions
Categories: UncategorizedEight members of the Manitoba and Riva Palacios Mennonite colonies accused of raping more than a hundred women and girls were found guilty on Aug. 25 after a two-month trial.…
A place to belong
Categories: ViewpointsA place to belong: These few little words became especially important to me as I reflect not only on the upcoming 60th anniversary of Mennonite Women Canada in 2012, but…
Don’t judge a church by its sanctuary
Categories: ViewpointsSomeone I know goes to church on Sunday mornings in a movie theatre. The group worships in a “cheap seats” cinema on the outskirts of our city, nestled in a…
Don’t fear the fight
Categories: ViewpointsI once endured the excruciatingly dreary annual meeting of a non-profit organization. The endless evening reaffirmed my conviction that there is a hell. When the floor opened for questions, the…
What shapes us?
Categories: ViewpointsA popular Mennonite plaque that has hung in many homes states: “True evangelical faith cannot lie dormant; it clothes the naked, it feeds the hungry; it comforts the sorrowful; it…
Readers write: September 15, 2014
Categories: Viewpoints‘A true welding together of business and faith’ Re: “Faith, business welded together at Haul-All,” July 11, page 21. The author of this heart-warming story missed a key element that…
For discussion
Categories: Feature Articles1. Ralph Lebold says that “the congregation is the central reality for gathered Christians.” Do you agree? What are some ways that people from your congregation engage meaningfully with each…
Strange and wonderful paths
Categories: Feature ArticlesAfter 50 years in ministry I have discovered that there is a significant interplay between the divine and human when it comes to physical and emotional healing. All healing is…
Ten years later
Categories: EditorialThe question isn’t, “Has our world changed since that fateful day of Sept. 11, 2001?” It is rather, “How have we changed 10 years after?” As I write this, the…
De Mellow appointed CPT co-director
Categories: Web FirstMerwyn De Mello has been appointed by Christian Peacemaker Teams to the position of CPT Co-Director, along with Carol Rose, starting in January 2012. De Mello brings a wide…
Manitobans Donate $105,000 Through CBC Manitoba Fundraiser
Categories: Web First$105,000—that’s how much was donated by Manitobans to Canadian Foodgrains Bank on September 9 through CBC Radio Manitoba’s fundraiser for east Africa drought relief. “We are grateful for this outpouring…
‘More questions than answers’
Categories: Web FirstThe majority of Canadians surveyed in a new Ipsos Reid poll say religion creates more questions than answers in the search to explain life and the world around them. In…
Number of Christians in China exploding
Categories: Web FirstMany of China’s churches are overflowing, as the number of Christians in the country multiplies. In the past, repression drove people to convert – is the cause now rampant capitalism?…
A review of 2666 by Roberto Bolano
I bought 2666 by Roberto Bolano in the discount bin at McNally Robinson based almost solely on the cover. I read the inside jacket to be sure that this was…
What songs will Mennonites sing?
Categories: Web FirstCongregations throughout Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada are being asked this fall, winter, and spring to keep track of all the songs they sing. Their research will help…
U.S. clergy denounce anti-Muslim bigotry
Categories: Web FirstThree days before the tenth anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, religious leaders gathered to remember the victims, foster interreligious unity and speak out in defense of religious freedom.…
Reading from the RMV
This is a good year to be a Bible collector. The New International Version has been updated re-released and the Contemporary English Bible will soon be available as well. For…