Sudermans spend five weeks at AMBS
Categories: Web FirstRobert J. (Jack) and Irene Suderman say it was a gift to spend five weeks at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary where they studied almost 40 years ago. Jack and Irene…
Despite protests, Polish order defends silencing priest
Categories: Web FirstA Polish monastic order has defended its decision to bar a former superior-general from speaking to the media, despite a protest against the decision from thousands of the priest’s supporters.…
Forced to flee, he now assists refugees
Categories: Web FirstJose Rivera understands the diverse needs of newcomers as they try to develop a sense of belonging in a new country.Death threats forced him, his wife Maria and their two…
Global Forum focuses on rise of Global South
Categories: Web FirstAnabaptists were among the 287 participants in a diverse Christian gathering held here October 4-7. The meeting was the second international gathering of the Global Christian Forum (GCF). The first…
‘From Gutenberg to Google’
Categories: Web FirstCommunications – “from Gutenberg to Google” – will be an important factor in 2017 when churches celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, according to a committee that is…
The purpose of serving
Categories: UncategorizedIn a follow-up to Chris Frey’s reflections on his one-year service term, Young Voices checked in with four young Mennonites to get their perspective on programs like Intermenno and MCC’s…
Rempel Returns to Grebel for a Role at TMTC
Categories: Web FirstUpdate: In October 2020, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada announced the termination of the ministerial credentials of John D. Rempel, on the basis of ministerial sexual misconduct. To learn more, see ‘Credentials…
When God hates your worship
In his book entitled Prayer, Phillip Yancey compares the way we come to the Lord in prayer to the way in which toddlers approach their parents. Yancey says that if…
Mennonites and the 99%
As someone who’s been a university student for almost a decade, I may not be an authority on money (considering that I’ve never really had any), or the economy more…
Becker trains leaders in Asia
Categories: Web FirstLifelong pastor and educator Palmer Becker has embarked on another short-term mission assignment to Asia with Mennonite Church Canada. From Nov. 6 to Dec. 9, Becker is sharing his vision…
Donated books arrive at ANiSA
Categories: Web FirstAlthough a rich history of Mennonite/Anabaptist presence is evident in South Africa, Mennonite Church Canada workers Andrew and Karen Suderman discovered a lack of good quality Anabaptist resource materials for…
What did Jesus write in the sand?
I remember once thinking that it would be fantastic if we could travel faster than the speed of light. If we could do that, we could theoretically go back…
Learning through serving
Categories: UncategorizedLast year, during my last few months of university, I started thinking about what to do after graduation. Like many people my age, I wanted to travel and experience something…
Learning through serving
Categories: UncategorizedLast year, during my last few months of university, I started thinking about what to do after graduation. Like many people my age, I wanted to travel and experience something…
Seeing a need and filling it
Categories: UncategorizedCanadian Mennonite University (CMU) made headlines earlier this month when it launched its new Redekop School of Business, made possible through a donation from the Redekop family of B.C.’s Fraser…
Young Mennos ‘occupy’ Wall Street and Winnipeg
Categories: UncategorizedMennonites have a legacy of resisting the violent, unjust ways of government and the world. Some have registered as conscientious objectors, others have protested against the justice system, and others…
American harpist donates $8,000 to cancer research
Categories: UncategorizedVirginia Bethune, a member of Park View Mennonite Church, began a project 10 years ago that has evolved into the Build-2-Habitat-Houses-With-Music initiative. Together with her husband Dick, a retired Presbyterian…
Sing the Christmas season
Categories: UncategorizedChristmas is a time for telling stories, and there is no better story than the Christmas story itself. Throughout history, this story has been told and retold in countless variations,…
Music for food
Categories: UncategorizedGreat music was in the air on Oct. 15 and 16 in Winnipeg and Winkler, Man., for the inaugural Canadian Foodgrains Bank Musical Growing Project. More than 700 people attended…
Learning about peace from those ‘who have gone before’
Categories: ArtbeatMennonite Church U.S.A. executive director Ervin Stutzman believes people today can learn from those who faced challenges over peace in the past, gaining perspective and humility as they study history.…