Uncovering our first roots
Categories: UncategorizedIn order to write this book, Barb Draper did a lot of digging among her roots. She performed an excellent job of searching out the reasons for some of the…
Exploring complexities of peace
Categories: UncategorizedThe way Mennonites talk about peace has changed in the past 100 years. While our grandparents talked about “nonresistance,” today we are apt to relate peace to “justice.” Stutzman, executive-director…
Policing: A form of nonviolence?
Categories: UncategorizedIn this wonderfully crafted booklet, the last before his untimely death, A. James Reimer gives his readers a gift with his succinct summary of a topic that has preoccupied much…
Acknowledging a sinful past
Categories: UncategorizedIn the eyes of the watching world the Christian church is often seen for its mistakes, and as the church looks upon itself it must acknowledge this sinful past. While…
Why write a book about a website?
Categories: UncategorizedJust type “Third Way Café” into your search engine—you don’t even need the accent on the “e”—and you will soon be sipping today’s brew of Mennonite stories, reading blogs, viewing…
Too busy for life’s priorities
Categories: UncategorizedI wish e-mail took up less of my life. I wish I could remember the last time I savoured a sunset. I wish I prayed more. “I do not understand…
‘Self in Mennonite garb’
Categories: UncategorizedWe Mennonites are not going to run out of stories anytime soon! How could we, after the resplendent feast of Mennonite creative writing enjoyed by 170 of us in Virginia’s…
From tragedy to triumph
Categories: UncategorizedMore than a year after being diagnosed with lung cancer, Howard Willems is in the mood to fight. He’s not fighting the disease as much as the cause of his…
MCC programming control shifts north
Categories: UncategorizedThe four-year, $2.5-million Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) review process is over, and the single most significant outcome is a power shift from MCC’s Akron, Pa., office to its office in…
MCC partners aid Afghans suffering from war, poverty
Categories: UncategorizedDespite war’s obstacles and disruptions, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) partners in Afghanistan continue to provide life-enhancing and empowering services to Afghans. Traumatized women receive counselling. Students learn skills to constructively…
‘We want to be Anabaptist’
Categories: UncategorizedBrian Bauman, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada mission minister, and his wife Nancy Brubaker, interim pastor at Shantz Mennonite Church, Baden, Ont., travelled to Myanmar earlier this year at the invitation…
Embracing the absurdity
Categories: Viewpoints“How can so much evil and suffering exist in a world created by an all loving, all knowing, all-powerful God?” This question is often cited as the Achilles heel of…
Our mothers’ wombs
Categories: ViewpointsRecently, I watched a young mother and her family seated nearby in an airport restaurant. The mother was calmly multi-tasking: feeding her son small bites of food, wiping her daughter’s…
Learning generosity
Categories: ViewpointsGenerosity doesn’t just happen. It can be learned. ZenithOptimedia projects that advertisers in Canada will spend $11.3 billion in 2012, hoping that consumers will learn to spend money on their…
Worship as drama
Categories: ViewpointsOccasionally, because of my background in dramatic arts and pastoral ministry, I have been asked how well worship and drama mix. The query often assumes a disconnect between the two,…
Readers write
Categories: ViewpointsAid funding redirected to international trade The hammer that had earlier fallen on faith-based organizations such as Kairos and Mennonite Central Committee (“On shaky ground,” March 6, page 20) has…
Food safety bureaucracy proves a minefield for MCC Relief Sale
Categories: Feature ArticlesAnne Wiens is determined to avoid food safety inspection hassles like those experienced the last time the annual Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale was hosted in Didsbury, Alta., in 2009.…
Take care
Categories: Feature ArticlesOntario pastor Kevin Peters-Unrau tells a Kafkaesque story of what happened when he volunteered to work with children in his community. “I had difficulty getting a police check because last…
Big box churches
Categories: EditorialSpringtime was in full theatre as we travelled back from Virginia on a Sunday morning recently after a week’s break. Viewing the redbud, dogwood and lilacs providing the backdrop for…
On Consumption
I have never quite known what to do with Earth Day. “Ever” is perhaps a bit of a strong word. Up until six or seven years ago I did not…