For discussion
Categories: Feature Articles1. What role models are boys and young men exposed to today? How well do our families and churches do in providing healthy male role models? Does pop culture provide…
Readers write: May 28, 2012 issue
Categories: ViewpointsMennonites can serve Jesus Christ . . . or Stephen Harper
Shifting male roles
Categories: Feature ArticlesDoug Klassen, pastor of Foothills Mennonite Church, Calgary, Alta., served as Pastor in Residence at Canadian Mennonite University in late January and early February 2012. His presentation about the role…
Wrestling with the ‘powers’
Categories: EditorialHis voice was anxious. Member of Parliament Paul Calandra was on the other end of the line. From his office in Ottawa, he seemed uncomfortable with the interview, hesitating, from…
Unlearning war
I was walking through my university campus a few weeks ago, when I noticed something rather chilling. The campus is littered with war memorials, honouring the dead Canadian soldiers of…
When I was your age
Categories: UncategorizedAs the stereotype goes, when you were a teenager you might have thought your parents and grandparents didn’t know anything. You knew best and when you got it wrong, were…
The Long Fall Back to Earth
In my last post, entitled “In Defense of Christian Contemporary Music” I gave my opinion and perspective on Christian pop, rock and worship music. I also promised to review several…
Keep it to yourself
A number of blogs that I follow push back (most recently here) pretty hard against a type of personal activism that ends up creating a structure a moral evaluation with…
Canadian Mennonite wins top award
Categories: UncategorizedCanadian Mennonite earned the top award given by the Canadian Church Press in an awards banquet here Friday, May 10, 2012, a recognition called the A.C. Forrest Memorial Award which…
What’s so Christian about family?
I’ve been getting the feeling lately that we’re not asking ourselves this question very often, if at all. In our society, Christianity and “family values” are understood as synonymous, whether…
Making community intentional
Categories: UncategorizedThe six young adults who live in the three-storey house at the end of Alloway Avenue know each other well by now. They speak with each other openly, respond to…
What’s old is new again
Categories: UncategorizedWhat do you get when you combine thrift store finds, estate sale gems, antique store trinkets, a few online purchases and craft store necessities? Beautiful “up-cycled” jewellery and accessories from…
A theology full of paradox
Categories: UncategorizedIs light a particle or a wave? Yes. It is not until we accept this apparent contradiction—the wave-particle duality—that we can understand fully the behaviour of light. In the same…
MWC church provides aid following tribal dispute
Categories: Back PageIn the aftermath of recent border clashes between Luo and Kalenjin ethnic tribes in eastern Kenya, Kenya Mennonite Church is helping to provide aid to displaced persons and participating in…
The beautiful feet of those who bring good news
Categories: UncategorizedOn the cusp of its 25th year, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada returned to the place it had its inaugural gathering: UMEI Christian High School. On April 27, Dan Epp-Tiessen, associate…
Joining the Doxology
Categories: ArtbeatThose who had the opportunity to see Gadfly: Sam Steiner Dodges the Draft will recall that this drama—based on the 1960s lives of Sam Steiner and Sue Clemmer—ends with the…
Draft dodger Doxology
Categories: Artbeatgad·fly – [gad-flahy] 1. any of various flies, as a stable fly or warble fly, that bite or annoy domestic animals.
Unveil your heart
Categories: ArtbeatRohina Malik was 14 when her family moved from London, England, to Chicago. It was there that she lived through—and continues to live through—the misunderstandings about Muslims, veiled Muslim women…
Investing in environmental and social responsibility
Categories: UncategorizedSunSelect Produce Inc., a family-owned vegetable producer with Mennonite roots, owns more than 28 hectares of greenhouses in Aldergrove and Delta, which they use to grow more than 9.5 million…
Earth Day tent revival
Categories: UncategorizedAn Earth Day tent revival at Memorial Park in front of Winnipeg’s Legislative Building attracted around 350 people of all ages, with 200 participating in a walk to the event.…