Faith and megawatts
Categories: UncategorizedThe director of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Manitoba at the time told me two issues stirred up the most flak from constituents: MCC’s work in Israel-Palestine and its involvement with…
Small congregation draws big talent
Categories: UncategorizedThe tiny hamlet of Mather in southwestern Manitoba is home to about 100 people, but for one night of the year the population burgeons. On April 13, the Mather community…
‘Like a watered garden’
Categories: UncategorizedThe foyer of Eigenheim Mennonite Church, filled with bedding plants on a garden bench and trickling water from several fountains, visually and audibly depicted the theme of this year’s Saskatchewan…
Across generations
Categories: ViewpointsSince last summer I have been responding to a rich crop of invitations to discuss healthy ways of grandparenting and relating across generational divides. I’m enjoying the ride. Rewarding conversations…
He chose to be generous
Categories: ViewpointsMennonite Foundation of Canada (MFC) recently completed the printing of Giving Your First Fruits: Money, Faith and Worship, which contains the collected writings of Edwin Friesen.
Navigating the currents of ethical judgment
Categories: ViewpointsI cohabited with my husband before we got married. Not in the current form of lovers sharing a home together as a preamble—or alternative—to marriage. Our cohabitation involved sharing a…
For discussion
Categories: Feature Articles1. What have been your experiences of suffering, either personally or by people around you? What are the biggest challenges of dealing with long-term suffering? Have you seen someone’s identity…
Tips for giving—and receiving—visits in the midst of chronic suffering
Categories: Feature ArticlesAllow yourself to be open and vulnerable. People who suffer live with difficult questions. It is good to discuss them.
‘Where is God?’
Categories: Feature ArticlesIt’s hard to imagine a force powerful enough to keep an academic from his books, a father from playing with his children, a husband from attending to the wife he…
The good of bad news
Categories: EditorialTwo headlines this week bring into sharp focus the cultural context in which our own faith community is forming its core belief and practice, one encouraging, the other not so…
Can grief be a mental illness?
Categories: ViewpointsEach year 90,000 parents in the U.S. confront the profound suffering that follows the death of a child or adolescent. Some of those rely on faith to help them through…
Blog of the Day: ‘Sarah Bessey’: Intersections of a spirit filled life
I’ve still this great list of blogs that people have been emailing me! They share some diverse opinions, and I think they are well worth sharing – so get ready…
Christian leaders seek to overcome polarization
Categories: Web FirstTwenty-five top Christian leaders gathered in the U.S. city with perhaps the worst reputation for civil discourse Wednesday (May 15) and committed themselves to elevating the level of public conversation.…
Canadians turning away from organized religion
Categories: Web FirstA new national study shows that while Canada remains overwhelmingly Christian, Canadians are turning their backs on organized religion in ever greater numbers. Canadian flag image courtesy Alex Indigo via…
May Days
It has been a busy few weeks with travel, a new set of courses, and the happy arrival of my Uncle Bob and Cousin Jon. Due to all the activity,…
Spain Photo Journal
This post first appeared on Isaac and Wanda’s blog Life in Egypt We are home safe and sound in Egypt after an MCC retreat in Spain. Barcelona is a place…
On sabbatical . . . from Facebook
Categories: UncategorizedIt’s not an original idea. Chances are good you’ve either done it yourself or you know someone who has given up Facebook for some length of time. That’s what I…
‘Trusting God to be present’
Categories: UncategorizedI have no medical training. Moving among nursing staff and doctors with years of clinical training and experience on my first day seeing patients at Cambridge (Ont.) Memorial Hospital, I…
Good Seed Sunday involves 500 congregations
Categories: UncategorizedAs leaders of the environmental movement are despairing that there is little hope for the future of our world, A Rocha, a national faith-based creation-care organization, saw a need to…