Mennonite Church Canada Peace Audit: a long procession
Categories: Feature ArticlesThe General Council Peace Commission of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) requested a response from Mennonite Church Canada to the question, “How is your church doing in its desire to be…
Rethinking peace
Categories: Feature Articles“In the last 15 or 20 years, I have heard only one sermon on peace,” says Bernie Loeppky, a member of Grace Mennonite Church in Winkler, Man., and a member…
What’s ahead?
Categories: EditorialIt was Soren Kierkegaard who said: “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
It Is About Love: Mennonites and First Nations Dance In Peace Action
Monday October 7th marked an anniversary of 250 years since the Royal Proclamation of 1763 was made. This proclamation, or promise, recognized the Aboriginal people of Canada as sovereign with…
COMMENTARY: Old habits die hard
Categories: ViewpointsI got fitted for a custom-tailored suit this week.
A Global Slaughter of Christians, but America’s Churches Stay Silent
Categories: Web FirstChristians in the Middle East and Africa are being slaughtered, tortured, raped, kidnapped, beheaded, and forced to flee the birthplace of Christianity. One would think this horror might be consuming…
Remembering Yoder Honestly
Ever since I read this article by the current president of the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and this editorial in a recent issue of the Canadian Mennonite, I’ve been thinking…
Restorative Justice Blog: Kris Miner
For those of you who are justice minded and love a good conversation starter, I want to direct you to Kris Miner’s blog. LINK: Kris’ blog – http://circle-space.org/2013/08/19/working-with-restorative-justice-circles-take-nothing-personal-when-keeping/ This particular…
A hard-scrabble life
Categories: UncategorizedAt first glance, Shane Claiborne and Arika Fraser would seem to have little in common. Claiborne is from Tennessee, is a popular author and is in demand as a speaker…
Crossing the street, crossing the divide
Categories: UncategorizedCrossing the street in a big Canadian city like Calgary isn’t very remarkable, but it’s a different story on the busy streets of Kathmandu. Stefan Dyck, 25, from Okotoks, Alta.,…
MCI enrolment up
Categories: UncategorizedGRETNA, MAN.—At the start of September, Mennonite Collegiate Institute (MCI) eagerly welcomed 142 students for the 2013-14 school year, representing an 8 percent increase from the previous school year and…
Seminary alumni recognized for ministries of peace
Categories: UncategorizedKathy Bergen, recently of Ramallah in Israel/Palestine, and Marty Troyer, a pastor in Houston, Tex., share a breadth of ministries related to peace as Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) honours…
Providing a ‘Christ-centred foundation’
Categories: UncategorizedColumbia Bible College launched its 78th academic year, welcoming 419 students onto campus.
Grebel builds on 50 Years of people, programs
Categories: UncategorizedThis school year marks Conrad Grebel University College’s 50th anniversary! As Grebel welcomed new students from coast to coast into residence and resumed teaching a variety of liberal arts courses…
New school year off to a resounding start at CMU
Categories: UncategorizedIncreased enrollment, new courses, new program initiatives, and a massive building project come together to bring a palpable excitement in the halls, classrooms and offices of Canadian Mennonite University (CMU)…
Welcome to AlgaeTown
Categories: UncategorizedThe glowing green tanks on the second floor of the Goshen College Science Hall look like something from a sci-fi movie.
A vital escort service for our young adults
Categories: UncategorizedAs a supply teacher with the Waterloo Region District School Board, I find our high schools exceptional communities of discourse. I enjoy young adults navigating the critical years towards adulthood,…
Black Creek joins MC Canada . . . again
Categories: UncategorizedWhen United Mennonite Church of Black Creek joined the Mennonite Church Canada family at a worship service on July 7, it was more than a welcome. It was a welcome…
Mending the sacred hoop
Categories: UncategorizedThe “sacred hoop” is the circle of nations. While it originally referred to indigenous nations in North America, the hoop has been broadened to include settler nations with whom the…
‘The hands and feet of Jesus in a broken world’
Categories: UncategorizedIt was a fun-filled, exciting weekend at the annual Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Festival for World Relief held at the Abbotsford Tradex on Sept. 6 and 7. The annual event…