Eating like a Mennonite
Categories: UncategorizedMunching on a fresh zwieback (because sauerkraut and spring rolls would be too messy to eat on the podium), John Thiesen, archivist at Bethel College’s Mennonite Library and Archives, introduced…
Conrad Grebel celebrates 50th anniversary in song
Categories: UncategorizedAs home to the Music Department at the University of Waterloo, the culture at Conrad Grebel University College is steeped in harmony. The college hosts dozens of concerts each year:…
The core never changes
Categories: UncategorizedI was 18 when I first walked on to the Columbia Bible College campus for new student orientation. Filled with nervous anticipation, I approached the registration table. A young woman…
Recommendation: L’Arche Tova Cafe
Hey folks! For anyone looking for a new place to try, I have to recommend L’Arche Tova Cafe in Winnipeg. This lovely cafe, aside from serving tasty food, is a…
Canada spotlighted in Christian Unity Week
Categories: Web FirstWhen the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is observed around the world this year from Jan. 18 to 25, there will be a special focus on Canada. Each year,…
Funds, Syria peace talks raise hope
Categories: Web FirstAs international efforts are under way to convince warring parties in Syria to gather for peace talks in Geneva on Jan. 22, 2014, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is releasing an…
Bread, acceptance and covenant
Categories: Feature ArticlesUpdate: In October 2020, Mennonite Church Eastern Canada announced the termination of the ministerial credentials of John D. Rempel, on the basis of ministerial sexual misconduct. To learn more, see ‘Credentials…
A multi-atonement communion service
Categories: Feature ArticlesThe good news is that God came to us in Jesus Christ to reconcile us to himself and to invite us into his kingdom. The news of what God has…
Things I wish my father had done
Categories: UncategorizedWe almost missed it on the first pass, buried under the newspapers and magazines that were filling a large recycling bin. If we hadn’t been checking each piece, it would…
Writer makes plea for legitimacy
Categories: ArtbeatBefore Malcolm Gladwell signed copies of his newest book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, for a gathered crowd at Floradale Mennonite Church, he spoke…
40 years of canoe tripping
Categories: UncategorizedThe trickling of an indoor waterfall in the room where Ric Driediger sits evokes images of a northern stream while he reflects on 40 years on the waterways of northern…
Four songs for 2014
Categories: UncategorizedAt the end of December, I sat down with my journal and day planner to jot down my highlights of 2013. I quickly had a list of 32 events or…
On living organ donation
Categories: UncategorizedMany of us are familiar with the concept of organ donation that occurs after someone passes away, but more recently I have learned about the need for living organ donations.…
Silence and spinning wheels
Categories: UncategorizedFor many parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered and queer (LGBTQ) children, the ongoing Mennonite church’s inclusion discussion brings them back to different points in the last 30 years when…
A year of struggling biblically
Categories: UncategorizedMy fellow Canadian Mennonite writer, Aaron Epp, has launched his Year of Reading Biblically, offering public reflections on his private cover-to-cover reading of the Good Book. I say, “Good on…
Flooding worsens Gazans’ plight
Categories: UncategorizedA week after torrential rain battered the Gaza Strip, people in the al Nafaq Street area of eastern Gaza City were still struggling to clean mud and debris out of…
‘A passion that’s exciting’
Categories: UncategorizedTwenty-four-year-old Andy Arthur remembers the April day in 2013 that a factory full of garment workers collapsed in Bangladesh. As he did his job as assistant at the Mennonite Central…
Five lessons from Africa
Categories: UncategorizedLast year, a Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Learning Tour group—including the author—visited Ethiopia and Uganda to get a grasp of MCC’s work and its effectiveness in the holy work of…
MCC in Canada yesterday, today and tomorrow
Categories: UncategorizedOn a cold, windy December day in Winnipeg in 1963, 40 men made the decision to form Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada. Exactly 50 years later, a group of people…
Calling all ‘wildly hopeful’ artists
Categories: Web FirstThe Mennonite Heritage Centre Gallery invites artists to submit artworks for consideration for a national exhibition to take place during the Mennonite Church Canada assembly to be held in Winnipeg…