Lessons from the West Bank
Categories: UncategorizedIt isn’t easy to distil six months of life in the Holy Land into an hour’s conversation. This is evident in the way Jerry Buhler searches for the right words…
A tale of two voyages
Categories: UncategorizedSeveral years ago, Chau Dang, pastor of Calgary Vietnamese Mennonite Church, enthusiastically recounted for me the Caribbean cruise from which he had just returned. Coming from all over North America,…
A flood of bleak images
Categories: ArtbeatThose who miss the days of Hollywood biblical epics will be happy to see that one of the first stories we hear in Sunday school has come to the cinema…
Who Are the Mennonites? video translated to American Sign Language
Categories: ArtbeatFive Core Media, a video production firm in Goshen, Ind., has produced an American Sign Language (ASL) version of Who Are the Mennonites?, a DVD/video originally produced by a predecessor…
Brazilians face violence as World Cup approaches
Categories: Web FirstA friend of mine who is an elementary school teacher in Rio de Janeiro described once how he and the students had to duck under the tables as they were…
When Parallel Lives Collide in Bogotá
Before I left Canada, I met up for coffee with a friend of mine in Waterloo—a pastor named Steve Tullock. We talked about my upcoming work in Colombia with Christian…
Slow church movement fights the ‘McDonaldization’ of church
Categories: Web FirstGoing to church these days can be a bit like eating at a fast food joint. It might be quick and tasty. But it won't satisfy your soul. You can't franchise…
Life’s Big Questions and how to avoid them
At this moment, I am sitting in the warmth of a sunbeam, sipping a cup of tea, and enjoying a quiet afternoon while both my girls nap. What a glorious…
Daily guide for A Year of Reading Biblically: Part II
Categories: UncategorizedYoung Voices co-editor Aaron Epp is reading through in Bible in 2014. This is his plan. Read more about this project at A Year of Reading Biblically and join him…
Being a light wherever you are
Categories: UncategorizedAsk Cara Baergen what an average workday looks like for her, and she replies that there is no such thing as “average” these days. Day-to-day operations have yet to start…
Where are the young worshippers?
Categories: UncategorizedWhat are your church attendance patterns like? Special occasions only? Once every couple of months? Every other week? Every Sunday? If your church attendance patterns have become less frequent over…
Who are the millennials?
Categories: EditorialThey are confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and open to change. They are more ethnically and racially diverse than older adults, less religious—while claiming to be spiritual— less likely to have…
I was in prison
Categories: Feature ArticlesJust before Jack McKay* was let out of prison, a local paper ran an article that portrayed him as an unhinged, unreformed sexual predator. The message was blunt: Beware, be…
For discussion: I was in prison
Categories: Feature Articles1. What experiences have you had with prison visitation or helping someone with a painful past become settled in Canadian society? What level of acceptance would someone like Jack McKay,…
Readers write: Mar. 31, 2014 issue
Categories: ViewpointsMandela refused to renounce violence to get out of prison Re: “Lessons to be learned from Nelson Mandela” letter, Feb. 3, page 11. Nelson Mandela was an admirable figure, no…
The prophet margin
Categories: ViewpointsIn our rush to welcome Jesus, we often skip those who paved the way for him. Consider the prophets, who tend to be marginalized by others or by themselves. The…
A reluctant traveller
Categories: ViewpointsWhen the door opens, do you hesitate, turn aside or walk through? It probably depends on the door, right? A big door opened when I was invited to join a…
A ri$ky topic to ignore
Categories: Viewpoints“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where…
Integrated wholeness
Categories: ViewpointsIn my last “Spirit attunement” column, March 3, page 14, I explained why I believe “wilderness seasons” and solitude are essential for many individual’s spiritual vitality. However, it is noteworthy…
A self-imposed life without wheels
Categories: ViewpointsWhen I moved to the little town of Leamington in southwestern Ontario, my family made the decision to refrain from purchasing a second car. We had just left Toronto, and…