For kids too!
Categories: ViewpointsAs the mother of two boys aged 6 and 11, I am happy to see the wide variety of faith-shaping resources for parents of young children available from Mennonite Church…
‘The truth was hard’
Categories: UncategorizedI was standing beside Neill Von Gunten, former co-director of Mennonite Church Canada Native Ministries, and trying to peer over heads to see into the “Churches Listening Area” at the…
Anabaptist church leaders offer statement to residential school survivors
Categories: UncategorizedThe following statement was presented at the final Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings in Edmonton in March. We are leaders of a group of Canadian Christian churches known as Anabaptist…
‘A foolish act of love’
Categories: UncategorizedBecause Jesus asked us to love our neighbours, a group of Christians from Winnipeg were willing to walk 550 kilometres to honour and remember their indigenous brothers and sisters who…
A modest proposal for truth, reconciliation
Categories: UncategorizedThe Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) is in the closing stretch of its five-year mandate. The most important truth being conveyed is the experience of former Indian Residential School (IRS)…
Truth and reconciliation
Categories: UncategorizedGathering crowd surges Finding space Residential School survivors And listeners This is my time You listen Throbbing drum beats Pulsing loudly Tonal language singing Prayers lifting Bowed shoulders quake Remembering…
‘Four-directional thinking’ on indigenous-settler relations
Categories: UncategorizedIf a buffalo shouts or a salmon cries in a forest, does anybody hear? A packed room of 50 people at the Toronto School of Theology (TST) hung on every…
Unlocking a mystery
Categories: ArtbeatIn 2010 Todd Burpo, a Wesleyan pastor from Nebraska, told the “astounding story” of his four-year-old son Colton’s “trip to heaven and back.” Heaven is for Real (Thomas Nelson Publishers)…
Menno maids help families survive
Categories: UncategorizedSome of the earliest Mennonites to live in large cities in Canada were young women who went to work as domestics in upper-class homes. Before the 1920s, Mennonites were farmers…
MCC from a Western Canada perspective
Categories: UncategorizedIn her history of the first 50 years of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada, Esther Epp-Tiessen repeatedly defends the decision to create a separate Canadian MCC, distinct from the older…
Spring 2014 List of Books & Resources
Categories: UncategorizedTheology, Spirituality Discerning God’s Will Together: Biblical Interpretation in the Free Church Tradition. Ervin R. Stutzman. Cascadia Publishing House, 2013, 175 pages. Stutzman explores the practical implications of discernment in…
Translation breathes new life into old history
Categories: Uncategorized“This book launch is 141 years late,” quipped historian Walter Klaassen. He was referring to the recent event celebrating the translation of his great-grandfather’s book, History of the Defenceless Anabaptist…
Peace walk focuses on the impact of oil
Categories: Web FirstOn a sunny morning, to the sound of Canada geese and in view of the flowing Grand River, a group of adults and children (and one dog) took part in…
American Mennonites attended past TRC event
Categories: Web FirstIn the fall of 2013 a Mennonite delegation of six Americans and Canadians went to Vancouver, B.C., for a Truth and Reconciliation event. They joined representatives of Indigenous and settler…
Who is blind?
Categories: Web FirstJohn 9 tells a story of blindness and sight. With the exception of Jesus, all the characters in this story are blind in some way. Blind disciples: ignorance and prejudice…
One thing lacking
Categories: Web FirstI had a great idea for starting this sermon—a PowerPoint presentation of artists’ depictions of this Bible story. I could imagine the paintings: a man in beautiful robes running and…
UPCOMING: Pax Christi Chorale debuts new composition
Categories: Web FirstThe 2013/14 season of the Pax Christi Chorale will close with a premiere public performance of a new Easter piece by Stephanie Martin, “Now the Queen of Seasons.” This composition…
Is support for Israel waning among evangelicals?
Categories: Web FirstAmerican evangelicals have played a significant role in U.S. support for Israel; by some measures they are even more supportive than American Jews. But in the spring issue of Middle…
This Easter. . .
This Easter is going to be different. I probably sound hypocritical stating how uncomfortable I am talking about death in one post and then writing about that very topic in…
Mary at the Foot of the Cross
As we experience another Holy Week leading up to Easter, I’m thinking of Mary, the mother of Jesus. I know, she’s not the first biblical figure who comes to mind…