It takes three knocks to open a door
Categories: Web FirstIf you want to get Brian Quan’s attention, you may need to knock on his door three times. Even God had to do that. Quan is the pastor of English…
Meeting challenge and change
Categories: Web FirstAs a teenager, Betty Pries raised uneasy questions about church and the life of faith. Who is Jesus, really? What does it mean for Jesus to be called God’s son?…
New exhibit features Brunk revivals
Categories: Web FirstThe Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia, will hold a celebration and service of dedication for the Brunk Revivals exhibit on Saturday, May 24, 2014, from 1:00 to 4:00…
Canadian Mennonites help Greek Catholics in Ukraine restore church
Categories: Web FirstIn Ukraine a former Mennonite church building is being restored and transformed – with the help of Canadian Mennonites – into a Greek Catholic church. This development, according to observers,…
Learning to listen
Categories: UncategorizedAt the end of March 2014, Canada’s final Truth and Reconciliation Commission event took place in Edmonton. While the commission is legislated reconciliation between Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian government,…
The great music debate
Categories: UncategorizedThere is great debate over church music these days. What was once a fight over traditional versus contemporary tunes and how they are played has blossomed into something more. It’s…
Canadian Mennonite earns six CCP awards
Categories: Web FirstCanadian Mennonite walked away with six awards here at the annual banquet May 2 of the Canadian Church Press, getting a first-place award for a “theological reflection” series by Bruce…
Getting back on track
Categories: UncategorizedThis whole Year of Reading Biblically (YORB) was a bad idea. It seemed like a good idea last October, but today I’m questioning what I was thinking when I concocted…
Recipes for life
Categories: UncategorizedThe student diet rarely gets a three-star review, unless you consider peanut butter and beer to be gourmet. Students who cook for themselves are often limited by skinny budgets and…
All ‘church’ is local
Categories: Editorial“All politics is local,” is one of the enduring lines of political wisdom uttered by the salty, outspoken U.S. congressman from Massachusetts, the late Tip O’Neill, nearly three decades ago—a…
How to heal a nation divided?
Categories: Feature ArticlesOne could attribute the current crisis in Ukraine to the lack of sympathy for democratic practice. Repeated fisticuffs in Ukraine’s Parliament were one indication of that deficit. And why was…
‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
Categories: Feature ArticlesThe following announcement was released by Vyacheslav Nesteruk, president of the All-Ukrainian Union of Associations of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, and Aleksey Smirnov, president of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, after…
For discussion: How to heal a nation divided?
Categories: Feature Articles1. William Yoder suggests that democracy requires compromise and a sharing of power. Have you had experiences in public, church or family life where compromising or sharing power was difficult?…
Readers write: May 12, 2014 issue
Categories: ViewpointsWriter claims argument against Al Najd based on ‘factual error’ Re: “MCC should consider new partner in Gaza” letter, March 17, page 8. Andrew Pinnell’s letter contains a factual error…
Redefining success
Categories: ViewpointsHow do we measure success? When I served as a mission worker in Botswana, an African leader shared with me that their defi-nition of success is “good relationships.” By this…
The shape of things to come?
Categories: ViewpointsIn April, voters in la belle province rejected a political party that had drafted a charter of values that would have treated the overtly religious as unfit for public service.…
Celebrating Eastertide
Categories: ViewpointsI botched Lent this year. I didn’t fast from anything tasty or techno, or set aside time to meditate and pray. To be honest, I think my lack of motivation…
A pilgrim people on the margins
Categories: ViewpointsFive loaves and two fish. The story of the feeding of the five thousand illustrates how Jesus uses the small amounts we bring to him. In this story, a crowd…
‘In the name of Christ’
Categories: UncategorizedAs the world watches the situation in Ukraine change almost daily, Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) affirms its commitment to its current work in the country. It also offers continued support…
Truth and reconciliation is ‘sacred work’
Categories: UncategorizedJustice Murray Sinclair proudly and lovingly put his arm around Sarah, his granddaughter. “Tomorrow is one of the most important days in my life, the birthday of my granddaughter,” he…