Men retreat to explore manhood from an Anabaptist perspective
Categories: UncategorizedAged 18 to 71, 20 men gathered at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp from June 20 to 21 to explore what it means to be a Mennonite man in the 21st…
Don’t hail Caesar
Categories: ArtbeatThe big blockbuster of the summer is the critically acclaimed Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the sequel to 2011’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes. It is…
Gay, Christian and . . . celibate: The changing face of the homosexuality debate
Categories: Web FirstWhen Julie Rodgers came out as a lesbian at age 17, her mom responded by taking her to an ex-gay ministry in Dallas. Rodgers had grown up in a nondenominational…
A letter of thanks
Categories: Web FirstBetween July 28 and 31, Mennonite Church Canada hosted Native Assembly 2014 in Winnipeg. It was a powerful time of exploring what it might look like for settler and Indigenous peoples…
U.S. faith leaders testify in support of EPA’s Clean Power Plan
Categories: Web FirstMore than two dozen faith leaders rallied at public hearings hosted by the Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.A.) to testify in support of the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan to cut…
Rap video wins first place in Mennonite Life contest
Categories: Web FirstA video produced by two teenagers from Waterloo and Kitchener, Ont., won first place in the first Cornelius Krahn Mennonite Multimedia Contest for high school students. Michael Born and Matthew…
Commemorating the 90th anniversary of Tiessens’ arrival in Canada
Categories: Web FirstOn July 19, 2014, a “Dankfest” (festival of thanksgiving) was held at the farm of John and Janice Harder in New Hamburg, Ont., to commemorate the arrival to Canada of…
GUEST BLOG: Self-Evident Truths
Today's guest blogger is Peter Brown, 23, is a recent graduate from CMU. He recently took a trip to Iran (May 25 – June 15) for interfaith dialogues. He travelled to…
Discovering the kingdom at summer camp
Categories: UncategorizedSwimming, archery, horseback riding and campfires are typical summer camp experiences. While children and teens enjoy these activities each year at Youth Farm Bible Camp near Rosthern, so do about…
Stories and images of Assembly 2014
Categories: Feature ArticlesFrom July 3 to 6, 2014, Mennonite Church Canada held its biennial assembly, in Winnipeg, Man. Focusing on the theme, “Wild Hope: faith for an unknown season,” the church delegates…
Daily guide for A Year of Reading Biblically: Part III
Categories: UncategorizedYoung Voices co-editor Aaron Epp is reading through in Bible in 2014. This is his plan. Read more about this project at A Year of Reading Biblically and join him…
Live in colour . . . eat chocolate
Categories: UncategorizedMany churches have an inherent aversion to change, according to Vic Thiessen. The same is true for the characters of the film Pleasantville (1998). Thiessen, Mennonite Church Canada’s executive minister…
‘There is a community of young people here’
Categories: UncategorizedThe work being done by the Future Directions and Being a Faithful Church (BFC) task forces were the focus of the plenary sessions at the 2014 Mennonite Church Canada assembly,…
It’s the images that linger
Categories: EditorialWords, words, words—millions of them filled the Loewen Auditorium during the four days of Assembly at Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, earlier this month. Conversations, greetings, drama, spirited singing and good…
‘Finding faith for an unknown season’
Categories: Feature ArticlesA tornado warning was issued for southern Winnipeg just as Willard Metzger, Mennonite Church Canada’s executive director, was giving the final announcements at Assembly 2014 on July 5. Should delegates…
Sexuality has ‘the potential of taking us into fragmentation’
Categories: Feature ArticlesWith the future of the church and issues of sexuality being prominent issues up for discussion at Assembly 2014, Karl Koop, a Canadian Mennonite University professor, asked César García, Mennonite…
For discussion:‘Finding faith for an unknown season’
Categories: Feature Articles1. As Mennonite Church Canada ponders the future, it recognizes that the church is changing. What changes have been happening in your congregation? What fears do you have about the…
The changing face of congregations
Categories: Feature ArticlesIn the face of an uncertain future, trepidation of shrinking budgets and programs, tired and fewer volunteers, and changing realities, encouraging stories were shared over two days of Assembly 2014…
Biblical visions of ‘wild hope’
Categories: Feature ArticlesWhere in the Bible can Christians turn to for “wild hope” if they are to have faith in an unknown season? That was the question Dan Epp-Tiessen, associate professor of…
Deconstructing Muslim myths
Categories: Feature ArticlesThe biggest obstacle to working with people of other faiths is to deconstruct all the stereotypes and myths that the media have created and perpetrated, especially about Islam, Donna Entz…