Chinese Mennonites persist in Edmonton for 30 years
Categories: NewsEach week, a little band of disciples known as Edmonton Christian Life Community Church meets at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in downtown Edmonton, where many homeless people congregate. The…
A farewell to the ‘blue hymnal’
Categories: NewsOver the span of a single weekend, Sean Goerzen sang or played every single hymn in the blue-backed Hymnal: A Worship Book. All 658 of them. “I feel like I…
Praying without words
Categories: NewsA solitary candle flickers on a low table in the middle of a darkened room. Participants chat quietly with one another as they wait for the session to begin, having…
A short history of Lao Christian Fellowship
Categories: NewsAfter many years of war in and around Laos, the Laos PDR party took over in 1975, and hundreds of thousands of Laotians escaped to Thailand. Under Canada’s Private Sponsorship…
Like a bird who flew away . . . and came home
Categories: PeopleNancy Frey remembers as a young child seeing a bird flying by and telling her mother, “Someday I am going to be like that bird and fly away.” She did…
Langham artist finds connection through painting
Categories: PeopleHer parents called her Dynamite. Although she didn’t care for the nickname when she was a child, Valerie Wiebe has come to appreciate its layers of meaning. The Langham, Sask.,…
Journal connects Korean Anabaptists across the globe
Categories: Books & ResourcesEight years ago this fall, a group of 10 Korean Mennonites met at Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in Vancouver and decided to start a magazine. The publication would be a resource…
Book explores healthy masculinity
Categories: Books & ResourcesOnce upon a time, living in splendid isolation, Mennonite men were moulded differently from the rest of society. Worshipping in a traditional peace church with a different set of values,…
Overcoming the siren diversions of our digital age
Categories: Books & ResourcesWhat was your response the last time a good friend asked you how you were doing? If you said with a laugh or a moan, “Too busy,” or just…
‘I realized I had been duped!’
Categories: Books & ResourcesGordon Toombs was deceived by the Canadian military when he tried to register as a conscientious objector (CO) during the Second World War. His recent book, L74298: Recollections of a…
CommonRead connecting churches from coast to coast
The number of people who read the Bible is steadily declining, studies have found. Whether they can’t reconcile problematic texts with their lives, or feel like they just aren’t getting…
Part memoir, part devotional reading
Categories: Books & ResourcesStephanie Lobdell grew up in the church as a pastor’s kid. She was a high achiever with dreams of becoming a missionary, but things didn’t work out as she…
Fall 2019 List of Books & Resources
Categories: Books & ResourcesTheology, Spirituality Christ in Crisis: Why We Need to Reclaim Jesus. Jim Wallis. HarperCollins, 2019. Wallis argues that many Christians have become disconnected from Jesus’ primary message. He identifies eight…
Watch: Doug Klassen addresses MC Canada
Categories: Web FirstMennonite Church Canada isn’t finished, disbanded, archived or dead. That’s the message Doug Klassen, MC Canada’s executive minister, delivers in a video uploaded to YouTube this past Friday. “Mennonite Church…
‘Coming out’ as a church
Categories: Web FirstOn Sept. 22, Charleswood Mennonite Church in Winnipeg celebrated “coming out” as a church that welcomes and affirms people of every gender and sexual orientation into its community with special…
National Council of Persons with Lived Experience appoints new chair
Ken Reddig of Pinawa, Man., has been appointed as the new chair of the National Council of Persons with Lived Experience and its representative to the Canadian Mental Health Association…
The purpose and joy of congregational singing
Categories: Web First“I turned the key and the stillness of the morning was shattered by the uneven rumbling of the engine. Everything was ready for the day’s work. In a few minutes,…
Watch: MCC is 100
Categories: Web FirstMennonite Central Committee is gearing up to celebrate its centennial next year, and the relief organization has started producing a number of articles and videos to mark the occasion. You…
U.S. Anabaptist groups send joint letter to National Commission on Military, National and Public Service
Categories: Web FirstThirteen Anabaptist church groups in the United States have sent a joint letter to an independent U.S. federal agency making a strong statement of conscientious objection to war and military…