For discussion: How to heal a nation divided?

Questions for reflecting on and discussing the feature article, How to heal a nation divided? (May 12, 2014 issue) 

1. William Yoder suggests that democracy requires compromise and a sharing of power. Have you had experiences in public, church or family life where compromising or sharing power was difficult? Why is power so hard to share? What role do emotions play in these situations?

2. What is hampering relationships between Christians in Russia and Ukraine? How much should Christians be influenced by the policies of the country in which they live? What is the appropriate role for Christians in the politics of the state?

3. Why did Mennonite Church Canada and MC U.S.A. organize themselves by country 15 years ago? Did state politics play a role in that decision?  

4. Yoder writes that, “despite unavoidable contradictions in our political assessments, being one in Christ has consequences which express themselves in public life.” He then points out some unhelpful actions by western Christians. Can you think of other situations where Christians have ignored the unity of the church because of political differences? Why is it so hard to work for peace in these situations?

5. What role should the Mennonite church play in the Ukrainian situation?

–Posted May 7, 2014

See also:

‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ 

Letter to Russian Church Union (web exclusive)

Letter to Ukrainian Church union (web exclusive)

‘In the name of Christ’ (MCC’s work in Ukraine)

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