Spirit over algorithm: An invitation

If you worry that digitization is corroding your soul, or if you just don’t know how to square the digital demands of our era with the circle of life you want to live in, we invite you to undertake some form of de-digitized experiment for Lent.

Starting March 5, cut screens back in some way and fill the gap with something holy. Go all-out, think big, make it hurt. Or dabble without shame because heaven and earth overflow with grace.

Be still. Be bored. Create more room for the Holy Spirit and less room for algorithms.

And let’s experiment together. Be in touch and we’ll bring experimenters together for a call (by teleconference perhaps, if that’s still a thing) during Lent to encourage, commiserate, share tips and pray. 

And we’ll invite your reflections and stories for possible inclusion in our June tech issue. 

If you have already embraced some degree of post-digital freedom, we want to hear how that has shaped your spirit.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of Apple, Insta and Google…. 


  • Do 20 minutes of holy reading or prayerful walking before any screen time in the morning. 
  • Turn off for Sundays, tuning in to family instead.
  • Quit social media for Lent. Cold turkey. Call three people by telephone every week. 
  • Cancel Netflix or whatever other kind of flix. 
  • Turn tech off when outside. Hello birds! 
  • Eat without screens. 
  • Read about the Desert Fathers and Mothers of old who fled society as if it were a shipwreck, retreating to the wilderness to pray.

*Important: Choose a ritual or practice to replace whatever you are taking away. 

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