Algorithm override

For once, I don’t actually have much to say, so I heartily encourage you put down your device (not in your pocket) or walk away from your computer. Go outside. Look out the window. Take a breath. Be still and know. Pray. Rest. Wait. 


(Then return to the links below, especially the first one; it’s really good. And make sure you read Melody Steinman’s tender, soulful piece in our Feb issue.)

God bless you,


On his blog, brilliant CM columnist Ryan Dueck writes about Paul Kingsnorth, who says, “Sometimes I think that if there’s one person we Christians really can’t stomach, it’s Christ.”

John Clarke and Anicka Fast have reached a financial settlement with MCC. 

David Fitch spoke at the CMU conference for pastors and leaders this week. He says we should NOT leverage our (tainted) privilege to accomplish justice. Check out his book Reckoning with Power.

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