Special assembly scheduled for Oct. 13 to 15

The General Board of Mennonite Church Canada has set the date for a final review of Future Directions proposals to re-organize national and area church bodies. MC Canada delegates are invited to a special assembly Oct. 13 to 15, 2017, in Winnipeg. The event will begin with a dinner on Oct. 13 and conclude with worship on Sunday, Oct. 15. The venue, costs and other details are pending. Church leadership and the Interim Council are currently presenting the Future Directions proposal at annual area church events across the country, which will conclude in the spring. Feedback received will be processed and any necessary adjustments made to the plan for presentation at the special assembly. To keep up-to-date with Interim Council news and proceedings, visit futuredirectionsmc.ca. Further information about the October assembly will be published on that website and through news.mennonitechurch.ca/releases as it becomes available.—Mennonite Church Canada