End-of-Summer Worship

After the sum­mer of peo­ple com­ing and going, hol­i­days, and uncer­tain sched­ules, we finally returned to wor­ship. Although it felt strange com­ing back up the hill after so many weeks away, enter­ing the space of wor­ship and excit­ing greet­ings of old friends and a few new faces, I sensed famil­iar­ity, warmth, and rejoic­ing in community.

The theme of wor­ship through the sum­mer had con­nected with gar­den­ing. From prepar­ing the gar­den soil, to sow­ing seeds, to nur­tur­ing plants, to the har­vest, we jour­neyed through the metaphor of our lives and spirit. Some­times we were the gar­den­ers, some­times the soil, some­times the seed, and some­times the weed.

On this week of return­ing, though, the final cel­e­bra­tion had come. The har­vest! One by one, mem­bers brought bas­kets and plates and bowls filled with colour­ful fruits, veg­eta­bles, and flowers.

We sang and danced, giv­ing thanks to God the giver of all good things: for the har­vest of food in our gar­dens, but even more for the har­vest of God’s work in the life of this community.

Rela­tion­ships sowed in ready soil, nur­tured over the past year as we fel­low­shipped together, and a har­vest of joy at being reunited in wor­ship to the One who enables us to call strangers, “sis­ter” and “brother.” A true cel­e­bra­tion of thanksgiving.