1. Ralph Lebold says that “the congregation is the central reality for gathered Christians.” Do you agree? What are some ways that people from your congregation engage meaningfully with each other? Why do we often resist being open about our questions, finances, mental and emotional struggles?
2. Should all Christians have a sense of “call,” or is that only for pastors and church workers? How have you, or others in your congregation, experienced a sense of call? How often does responding to Jesus’ call to follow him require leaving home or job?
3. Lebold declares that “the offering is a meaningful act of worship,” that is as impor-tant as singing, Scripture reading and praying. Do you agree? Is giving 10 percent of your income to the congregation too much to expect in today’s world?
4. Do you agree that Mennonites tend to be literalistic when it comes to Scripture and statements of faith? What do you think Lebold means by appreciating mystery in the Christian life? Are there disadvantages to letting the wheat and the weeds grow together in a congregation without being quick to judge?
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