Committee invites input for Resonate music project

The Mennonite Worship and Song Committee in inviting congregations and individuals to give input toward a new hymnal scheduled for release in 2020.

“We want to hear what is giving life to worship across the denomination,” said Bradley Kauffman, project director. “It is essential to hear from these voices – people whose investment will deeply inform our work toward a successful collection.”

Earlier this year postcards were sent to all congregations in Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA asking them to appoint three people to complete a survey.  Specifically, the committee hoped to hear feedback from a pastor, a worship leader, and a music leader in each congregation. The survey is still open and can be found at

Laypersons are also welcome to offer suggestions through a “heart song” survey accessed at the same site

In addition, MennoMedia has unveiled Resonate: Join the Everlasting Song as the Worship and Song Collection project’s brand. An actual title for the bound collection will be decided at a later point.

“Resonate evokes a common experience across many approaches to worship,” said Kauffman. “It brings together the physical vibration of singing with the ways ideas resonate when we worship together.”

The Mennonite Worship and Song Committee is working toward a 2020 release of a new hymnal to be published by MennoMedia in cooperation with Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA. Currently, the committee is engaged in a period of intentional listening, discerning what to preserve from past collections, receiving submissions of new and original content, and considering what thematic areas might need more coverage in a 21st-century collection. To submit content for consideration, visit

MennoMedia is the publishing ministry of Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA, and its publications can be previewed and purchased at

See also:
Worship and song submissions, recommendations sought for new hymnal  
Mennonite Worship and Song Committee holds first meeting
Passion for worship leads to work on new hymnal 
Mennonite song collection project launches website 

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