Recent comments

Julia Phillips commented on

The piano ban

Richard Tschudi commented on

The piano ban

Maxwell Kennel commented on

Is the ban back?

Ken Bechtel commented on

Goodbye ‘model minority’

David Hunt commented on

‘Helplessly in love with music’

Kathy Friesen commented on

Barns and kerchiefs

Mark Bigland-Pritchard commented on

‘We have no safe area under the sky’

Peter Reimer commented on

Film review: sorrow, joy, anger and faith

Alma Unger commented on

Saskatchewan historian receives award

Valerie Kauffman commented on

T-shirt honours fierce biblical women

Horst Unger commented on

2,000 years later in Bethlehem . . .

Diane Talbot-Schoenhoff commented on

Soup to change the world

Heathclyff St James Deville commented on

Small-town suicide

Donald Bergen commented on

One-anotherness in Christ

Jan C. Steven commented on

Soup to change the world

Chad Miller commented on

To set a soul aflame
