Three responses to the conundrum of conflict
Categories: Feature ArticlesWhen I tell people whom I’ve just met that my job includes working with congregations in conflict, typically they respond in one of two ways. Either, “Really? Churches have conflict?”…
Pulling back the curtain
Categories: CM THIS WEEKYou’ve probably noticed over the last year that Canadian Mennonite has moved to having a theme to the feature of most issues. As we begin each new issue, we share…
Church worker overboard
Categories: EditorialA few years back, I invited a new acquaintance to help with a hayloft restoration project. He was handy and between jobs. As we worked with old wood, we talked…
Pain, apologies and repair following 2017 MC Canada restructuring
Categories: Feature ArticlesJeanette Hanson, director of International Witness for Mennonite Church Canada, began a Zoom call last spring with an apology to members of the Anabaptist Network in South Africa. “I told…
Does the Carver model suit Mennonites?
Categories: Feature ArticlesA retired veteran of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) management put it bluntly (off-record): “MCC is not a priesthood of all believers.”I don’t know if any Mennonite organizations are. Most, like…
Sitting in the struggle
Categories: NewsTany Warkentin’s experience on a recent learning pilgrimage in South Africa has inspired her to deepen the connections and relationships she’s forming in her own life and work. “I don’t…
MCC opens cannery
Categories: NewsDylan Yantzi can’t wait to start canning. He is the newly minted meat cannery manager at Mennonite Central Committee Ontario (MCCO), and his enthusiasm for the work ahead was palpable…
Readers Write: March 2025
Solar story missed the markI was looking forward to reading the story in the December issue about Rockway Mennonite Collegiate’s solar array. But after reading the story, something didn’t feel…
Secondary identities
Categories: From Our LeadersThe first identity of a follower of Jesus is “a follower of Jesus.” The church is an alternative city within the city, a new way of being human and being…
Lifted by laughter
Categories: Life in the postmodern shift“Dad, would you rather give up coffee or potatoes for the rest of your life?” This is a game my 16-year-old son likes to play with me. Pitting things I…
A second helping of grace
I recently visited a church on communion Sunday and watched with delight as a child approached the table not once but twice. He was hungry, it seemed, and the table…
Maxwell Kennel and I often engaged in friendly theological debates as students at the same high school, so it was not a surprise his career has taken him where it…
How to get young people into church
Categories: CM THIS WEEKWhen my husband and I joined our church—Waterloo-Kitchener United Mennonite—a few years ago, we joked that we (in our 50s) were the youth group. A year later, the church hired…
Never Alone
Categories: Faith StoryAs a child, I had a deep sense of faith and a strong connection to God. I benefitted from being the fourth generation of my mom’s family to participate in…
Mennonite Church USA joins multifaith coalition
WASHINGTON, DC – The Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) at Georgetown Law has filed a lawsuit on behalf of over two dozen Christian and Jewish religious denominations and…
From Inertia to Momentum: Restoring Institutional Integrity to MCC
First and foremost, I deeply acknowledge that Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) represents a global heritage for all Anabaptist and Mennonite communities worldwide. Despite our diverse contexts, MCC continues to serve…
Algorithm override
Categories: CM THIS WEEKFor once, I don’t actually have much to say, so I heartily encourage you put down your device (not in your pocket) or walk away from your computer. Go outside.…
Materials related to the MCC HR controversy
Categories: InvoluntaryOur original article (July 2024) and our rationale (July 2024) for covering the story are here and here, respectively. Below are other materials, starting with the most recent. From Inertia…
Fired couple reach agreement with MCC
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has reached a financial settlement with John Clarke and Anicka Fast who were terminated in August 2023. MCC will pay the couple $180,000 in exchange for…